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BZA 2006
Board Of Zoning Appeals
BZA 2006
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MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> MINUTES <br /> JUNE 8, 2006 <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. at <br /> the Mooresville Town Hall. <br /> Members present were Jon Swisher, Chairman, Don Barry, Mike Young, and Alan <br /> Kramer. Charles McGuire was absent. Town Attorney, Tim Currens, was present. <br /> Motion was made by Don Barry, second by Alan Kramer, to approve the minutes of the <br /> March 9 and April 13, 2006 meeting. Motion carried 4-0. <br /> First on the agenda was Steve Hartzburgb, 55 Crestwood Drive, requesting a variance to <br /> operate a one operator beauty salon in his residence. There is a pull thru in the front so <br /> there will not have to be any on street parking. <br /> Mr. Barry asked if he had all the permits he needed and Mr. Hartzburgh said that he had <br /> applied for them and was putting in a public restroom that is required by the state. He <br /> has to put a door on the entrance to the hallway to separate the living room from the rest <br /> of the house. <br /> Mr. Kramer asked about the signage for advertising and Mr. Hartzburgh said would be as <br /> small as the state will allow for he does not need much signage. <br /> Mr. Swisher asked if there were any question from the floor. Mr. Andrew Kaffenberger, <br /> S2 Crestwood Drive, stated he was concerned about what is allowed with the zoning, <br /> signage and expansion. Mr. Currens said that the board set the restrictions by what the <br /> public was concerned with and if these were not followed Mr. Hartzberg would be in <br /> violation of the variance and he would have to come back to the board. Mr. Hartzberg <br /> said there would be two chairs,but only one operator. <br /> James Ellis, 50 Crestwood Dr., stated he was concerned parking for there is no parking <br /> Mr. Hartzberg side of Crestwood Drive. Mr. Hartzberg said that there is enough space <br /> for three cars in the pull thru drive and he feels that is more than what he will need. <br /> Motion was made by Alan Kramer, second by Don Barry, to approve a variance of use <br /> for Mr. Steve Hartzberg to operate a hair salon at 55 Crestwood Dr. with the following <br /> restrictions: <br /> !. There can only be one operator with two chairs. <br /> 2. Hours of operation are from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Monday thru Saturday, <br /> but not all the time. <br /> 3. Minimum of three off street parking spaces. <br /> 4. Maximum size of sign cannot be more than 2'X3'; location of sign will be four <br /> 40 5. from sidewalk and with no illumination. <br /> S. The variance will be terminated with the ownership of Stephen Hartzberg. <br />
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