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TOWN OF MOORESVILLE <br /> BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> MINUTES <br /> The Town of Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, September 13, <br /> 2007 at the Mooresville Government Center at 6:00 PM. Present were Jon Swisher, <br /> Chairman, Alan Kramer,Neal Allman, Mike Young, and Charles McGuire. Town <br /> Attorney Tim Currens was present. <br /> Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Jon Swisher and he asked for a motion to <br /> approve or deny the minutes of the August 9, 2007 meeting. A motion was made by <br /> Alan Kramer, second by Neal Allman to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2007 <br /> meeting. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> Next order of business was Ross Holloway, Holloway Engineering,representing Mr. <br /> Jack Ward requesting a variance to allow an internally illuminated moving message <br /> board not to exceed 66 square feet, to be placed below the existing signs on the existing <br /> shopping center sign; also a request for the existing sign as to it's location, height, size, <br /> setback and is a shopping center sign in a B-2 Zoned District. They will be replacing <br /> the Pizza Hut building and with the new building Mr. Ward's business will be almost <br /> obscured. Mr. Ward would like to do something more permanent to bring attention to <br /> his business, and be able to advertise sale and other promotions. This message sign <br /> will go right below the existing Wards sign. The sign will be 6 ft. by 11 ft. in size. <br /> Mr. Swisher asked what new building, will it require variances, and what will it look <br /> like. Mr. Holloway said he did not know the answer to those questions,but based on <br /> . what they did know it will be larger and not in the same location as the Pizza Hut. <br /> Motion was made by Mike Young, second by Charles McGuire, to allow an internally <br /> illuminated moving message board not to exceed 66 square feet, to be place below the <br /> existing signs on the existing shopping center sign; also a request for existing sign as to <br /> it's location, height, size, setback and is a shopping center sign in a B-2 Zoned District. <br /> Motion carried 5-0. <br /> Next was Mindy Carter, Lincoln Bank at old St. Rd. 67 and new St. Rd. 67,requesting a <br /> variance for a sign. They have twice the linear frontage that is allowed by our <br /> ordinance. Their other locations usually have a sign on every side of the building and a <br /> pole sign or monument sign out front. With this location there are two large billboards <br /> they will be competing with. They are requesting a marquee sign which is a LED <br /> screen pole sign and a sign on each side of the building. Mr. Currens asked if the <br /> pacific request was for the size of the sign and Ms. Carter said that was right. They <br /> were requesting more square footage since they are asking for signage on all sides of <br /> the building and a free standing sign. Mr. Young asked if the larger free standing sign <br /> would be out by St. Rd. 67 and Ms. Carter said that was right. The signs will be in line <br /> with the other signs along St. Rd. 67. The sign will have satellite remote operation so <br /> there will not be any cables running to the sign. <br /> Motion was made by Mike Young, second by Charles McGuire, to approve the variance <br /> to increase the square footage of the sign as per their drawing. Motion carried 5-0. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board at this time a motion to <br /> adjourn was made by Mike Young, second by Alan Kramer. Motion carried 5-0. <br />