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BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> MINUTES <br /> The Town of Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, October 11, 2007 <br /> at the Mooresville Government Center at 6:00 P.M. Present were Mike Young, Alan <br /> Kramer and Neal Allman. Absent were Charles McGuire, Jon Swisher and Town <br /> Attorney Tim Currens. <br /> Meeting was called to order by Mike Young, Chairman. Motion was made by Alan <br /> Kramer, second by Neal Allman to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2007 <br /> meeting. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> First on the agenda was Earl Long, 125 W Washington Street,requesting a variance for <br /> setback from property line from 10 feet to 5 feet on the west side of property. He wants <br /> to build a garage to store one boat and one car. The garage will be 24 feet by 30 feet set <br /> on the west side of his property. <br /> After the reading of the fact of findings from developmental standard a motion was made <br /> by Neal Allman, second by Mike Young to approve the variance from development <br /> standard for the set back on the west side for property from 10 feet to 5 feet for a 24 foot <br /> by 30 foot garage. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> Next was Ross Holloway, Holloway Engineering,representing Donald and Judy Perry, <br /> Nealand Co., LLC, Lot 7B Flagstaff Business Park, requesting a variance from the Town <br /> of Mooresville Flood Protection Ordinance, Per Section 10, and the Board of Zoning <br /> Appeals may grant variances from the flood protection requirements. The variance is <br /> from the required 2.0 feet flood protection grade to 0.5 feet flood protection grade which <br /> is compatible with the existing structures on the adjoining lots. There would be a shared <br /> driveway and there would be drainage issues if this was built to the specifications of the <br /> Flood protection ordinance. <br /> After the reading of the fact of findings from developmental standards a motion was <br /> made by Mike Young, second by Neal Allman, to approve a variance from <br /> developmental standards from the Town of Mooresville Flood Protection Ordinance,per <br /> Sec 10, of the Board of Zoning Appeals may grant variances from the flood protection <br /> requirements. The variance is from the required 2.0 foot flood protection grade to 0.5 <br /> feet flood protection grade which is compatible with the existing structures on adjoining <br /> lots. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> Next was Cobert G Hatton, 13712 N Ferguson Road, Camby, IN 46113, requesting a <br /> variance from setbacks for a garage to house vintage automobiles. The variance is to <br /> change the setback from 20 feet to 10 feet. Mr. Kramer asked if he had talked with his <br /> neighbors and Mr. Hatton said he had talked with one of the neighbors and told him what <br /> he wanted to do and said the neighbor stated that it was alright with him. There being no <br /> questions from the board or the audience Mr. Kramer read the Fact-of-finding from <br /> development standards. A motion was made by Neal Allman, second by Mike Young, <br />