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BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> MINUTES <br /> The Town of Mooresville Board of Zoning App9als met on Thursday,November 8, 2007 at the Mooresville <br /> Government Center at 6:00 P.M. Present were Mike Young, Alan Kramer,Neal Allman and Charles <br /> McGuire and Tim Currens,Town Attorney. Jon Swisher was absent. <br /> Meeting was called to order by Alan Kramer. Motion was made by Mike Young, second by Charles <br /> McGuire to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2007. Motion carried 4-0. <br /> First on the agenda was Jerry Smith, MSC310LLC, requesting a variance of use to operate a Paint&Body <br /> Shop. Mike Shanahan, Attorney representing the neighbors, requesting a continuance until December 13, <br /> 2007. Motion was made by Mike Young, second by Neal Allman to grant the continuance for the variance <br /> of use requested by Jerry Smith, MSC31 OLLC until the December 13th meeting. Motion carried 4-0. <br /> There being no further business to come before the board at this time, a motion to adjourn was made by Mike <br /> Young, second by Neal Allman. Motion carried 4-0. <br /> The next Board of Zoning meeting will be Thursday, December 13, 2007 at the Mooresville Government <br /> Center at &W"P.M. <br /> P esident <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Secretary / <br />