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-4- <br /> <br />permitted due to similiar operations and businesses being in effect in the <br /> <br />area. <br /> <br /> 3. That the establishment of the special exception would not impede <br /> <br />or substantially alter the normal and orderly development and improvement of <br />the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district in that this <br />was a compatible use and in fact had been used for a used car sales lot in the <br />past. <br /> <br /> 4. That adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and other necessary <br />facilities were already provided. <br /> <br /> 5. That adequate measures have been taken to provide ingress and egress <br />so designed as to minimize traffic congestion on the public road and in fact that <br />there was already a street cut present. <br /> <br /> 6. That the special exception would be located in a district where such <br />use is permitted and all other requirements in this ordinance applicable would <br />be met. <br /> <br /> The Board then proceeded to findings of fact from the development standards <br />regarding the location of two buildings on the same lot. In particular the Board <br />found that the approval would not be injurious to the public health, safety, <br />morals or general welfare of the community and that in effect the property had <br />been used in a similiar manner in the past. Secondly, that the use and value <br />of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance would not be <br />affected in a substantially adverse manner in that they are surrounded by <br />similar uses. Thirdly, that the strict application of the terms of the zoning <br />ordinance would result in practical difficulties in the use of this property due <br />to its location to other businass sites and the limitation for other types of <br />local business uses due to the creek and proximity to other business. The Board <br />then entertained a motion which was made by Don Barry to grant the special <br />exception based upon the findings of fact set out by the Board previously. <br />This was seconded by Warren Franklin and unanimously carried. A motion then <br /> <br /> <br />