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RE: <br /> <br /> FINDINGS OF FACT <br /> <br />Variance Request of Robert & Shirley Armstrong <br />16 E. Washington Street, Mooresville, Indiana <br /> <br /> This matter came before the Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals on <br />Wednesday, October 15, 1986, at the regularly schedoled meeting date and ~me. <br />The petition requested a variance to allow petitioners to open a used furniture <br />and antique business in their basement. <br /> <br /> The Mooresvil] e Board of Zoning Appeals, having he~rd evidence on the <br />above captioned petition now makes the following findings of fact pursuant to <br />Indiana Code 3-7-4-918.5: <br /> <br /> 1 That the approval would not be ~njurious to the public health, <br />safety, morals and general welfare of the cormnunity since this use would create <br />a high volume of tr~ffJce. 2. That the use and value of the area adjacent to <br />the property included in the variaoce would not be affected in a substamtially <br />adverse manner doe to this being located near other business uses and in somewbat <br />of a transition location f~om business to residential. 3. That the need for the <br />variance arises from a condition peculiar to the property due to its location <br />being in a transition neigbborhood from business to residential. 4. That the <br />strict applieation of the terms of the zoning ordinance would constitute an <br />unnecessary hardship if applied to the property for which the variance is sought <br />ip that due to its location next to the bus~ness-type of use and with the open <br />field behind it this would place some unreasonable restrictions on the use of <br />the property. 5. That the approval doe£ not interfere substantially with the <br />comprehensive plan due to its location i~ the transition area betweep business <br />and residential uses. <br /> <br />Warren Franklin, Secretary <br />Dated: <br /> <br /> <br />