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MINUTES OF THE M00RESVILLE B..OARD OF ZONING APPilaLS <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning ~ppeals met in a specially <br />called session on Wednesday the 11th day of November, 1981 at 7:15 <br />o'clock P.M. at the Mooresville Town Hall. The following Board <br />Members were present: Chairman Paul Walters, Wendell Thaler, Nan <br />Kollmeyer, Ray House, and Steve Oshman, the Board's Attorney <br />Timothy Currens was also present. The meeting was called to order <br />by Chairman Paul Walters and minutes of the last meeting was read <br />and approved. The Board proceeded to the first order of business, <br />a petition for a variance filed by Charles Hillz~an. After determining <br />that there was a quorum and being advised by the Board Attorney that <br />all due notices were properly sent and returned receipts were verified <br />from the petition, in addition that newspaper publication was in order <br />as evidenced by Affidavit from the ~oresville Times, I~. Hillman <br />proceeded with evidentiary portion of the hearing setting out the <br />hardship and specific bequest of the pe2ition in detail. P~. Hillman <br />explained that the mobile home would be a 12 x 65 on a 20 x 70 cement <br />slab which was already in existence. He explained that the water <br />hook-up would be from 2he main across from the mobile home and not the <br />bait shop building. In addition he explained the purpose of the mobile <br />home was for the quarters for a night watchman. I'[r. Hillman also <br />explained thaz he had a permit at one time and that was the reason that <br />the cement slab had already been poured and that to not grant a variance <br />would create an extreme hardship for him in using the land as set out. <br />Chairman Walters then entertained a motion. Board Member Ray House <br />made a motion that the Board grant the variance as presented for allowing <br /> <br /> <br />