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Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes <br />April 14t', 2016 <br />Members present: Mike Young, Neal Allman, Alan Kramer, Perry <br />King and Town Attorney Tim Currens <br />Neal Allman called the meeting to order, Alam Kramer made a motion <br />to accept the previous minutes, Perry King seconded the motion and <br />the motion passed 4-0 <br />During re organization Mike Young nominated Neal Allman to remain <br />as chairman, Perry King seconded the motion and motion passed 4-0. <br />Neal Allman nominated Perry King for secretary, that motion was <br />seconded and passed unanimously. <br />First item on the agenda is a sign variance at 429 S. Indiana for Taco <br />Bell. Taco Bell is requesting the allowance of 3 signs, 2 LED lit and 1 <br />large painted mural, incorporating the town logo. The signs would be <br />placed during the reconstruction as the plans include a new building, <br />at a possible higher elevation. Alan Kramer confirmed that Taco Bell <br />was aware of the impending construction on Indiana Street. Pictures of <br />other similar town murals were shown and include a bench beneath <br />the signage for "selfie location" pictures. The 2 lit signs would be 109 <br />sq ft (or slightly less) with the additional I Oft X 2011 mural. The <br />members questioned Tim Currens about how to proceed with a <br />motion, the members were directed to proceed with two variances 1 <br />for the 109 ft request and 1 for the additional 200 sq ft mural. Neal <br />Allman read the findings of fact, and then called for a motion. Mike <br />Young made a motion to accept the number of signs and to also grant <br />