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BZA 2017
Board Of Zoning Appeals
BZA 2017
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Thursday July 13"', 2017 <br />Members Present: Perry King, Neal Allman, Charles McGuire and town <br />attorney Tim Curens, Mike Young was absent. <br />Neal Allman called the meeting to order and then called for a motion on <br />the previous minutes, with a couple grammatical corrections noted a <br />motion was made by Perry King to accept the minutes, Charles McGuire <br />seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted 3-0. <br />The first and second items on the agenda are variance requests from Pam <br />Albertson and Robert Jones at 213 St. Clair Street. The first variance, <br />previously continued, is for a two family residence on less than 10,000 <br />square foot lot. The second variance, newly filed, is for a 5 foot side set <br />back rather than the required 10 foot. As Pam Albertson is unable to <br />attend, her brother Robert Jones presented images of the intended <br />building plans and reviewed their plans for the property. Perry King <br />again expressed concern about the possibility of flooding and belief that <br />the creek is a waterway. Charles McGuire questioned the distance <br />between residences. Neal Allman confirmed the number of bedrooms <br />and square footage. When number of parking spaces needed was <br />questioned building inspector Tim Bennett stated that he'd spoken with <br />Pam Albertson and that she was aware of the requirement. The Board <br />members confirmed that a rezone from RI to R2 was being sought, Mr. <br />Jones confirmed this. Robert Jones went on to state that their intent is to <br />improve the neighborhood, right now it looks unappealing and he <br />believes this is a win win situation. Perry King disagreed stating that it <br />may be a financial win for them but not a win for the town. Neal Allman <br />states concerns with residences so close to one another. When no further <br />questions were asked Neal Allman read the findings of fact and then <br />called for motions. Charles McGuire made a motion to approve, when <br />no second was made the motion died. Perry King made a motion to deny <br />and when no second was made again the motion died. With no motion <br />E passed a continuance on both variances was granted. <br />
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