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Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes <br />Thursday August 10th, 2017 <br />Members present: Perry King, Charles McGuire, Neal Allman and <br />attorney Tim Currens <br />A few minutes passed six Neal Allman called the meeting to order <br />and called for a motion on the previous minutes. Charles McGuire <br />made a motion to accept the minutes as written, Perry King seconded <br />that motion and the motion passed 3-0. <br />The first item on the agenda is a continued variance on St. Clair <br />Street, petitioner Pam Albertson requested the board continue the <br />matter to the September meeting, Charles McGuire made the motion <br />to continue and Perry King seconded it, the motion passed 3-0. <br />It was noted that the previous request for a variance by Mr. Carter at <br />S. Clay St. has been withdrawn; Charles McGuire confirmed that the <br />matter had been redirected to the Plan Commission for rezone and <br />was waiting to go before the Town Council. <br />A motion was made to adjourn, seconded and passed. <br />Chairman <br />Secretary <br />September 14t', 2017 will be the next meeting <br />