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Board of Zoning Appeals Minutes <br />Thursday March 9th, 2017 <br />Members Present: Neal Allman, Mike Young, Perry King, Charles McGuire and <br />town attorney Tim Currens <br />The first item on the agenda is re organization: Mike Young made a motion that <br />Neal Allman remains Chairman and Perry King continue as Secretary, that motion <br />was seconded and passed unanimously. <br />Next Neal Allman called for a motion on the minutes from September 2016, Perry <br />King motioned to accept the minutes as written, Mike Young seconded the motion <br />and the motion passed 4-0. <br />The third item on the agenda is a variance request at 241 S. Madison St, for the <br />purpose of a vehicle storage lot. The property owners, Core fitness and potential <br />land user's I-70 Wrecker Service are both in attendance. The owners of I-70 <br />Wrecker Service state the plans and discuss the illustrations provided. A copy of <br />the verbal presentation has been provided and is included as part of these minutes. <br />The location in question has been cleaned; prepped, secured and proper lighting <br />has been discussed. Neal Allman called for questions and or concerns; Mike <br />Young asked how long vehicles would be stored there, and if restrictions could be <br />added to any motion. I-70 indicated that most vehicles are stored for a short time, <br />while others can be there for some time based on police impound and or court <br />order, attorney Tim Curren confirmed that restrictions could be attached to a <br />motion. Mike Young made a motion to approve with the stipulation that vehicles <br />be stored no longer than 30 days without court order or police requirements, Perry <br />King seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. <br />Neal Allman expressed the sympathy of the Board of Zoning Appeals at the recent <br />passing of long time member Alan Kramer, that his presence and experience would <br />be sorely missed. <br />A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn. <br />