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Mooresville Metropolitan <br />Police Department <br />Board of Police Commissioners <br />Larry Bryant <br />Brian Wiser <br />Fred Settle <br />MOORESVILLE POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES <br />These are the Minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Police Commission <br />held at the Mooresville Police Department on November 15, 2018. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: <br />ALSO PRESENT: <br />Call to order at 6:02 PM. <br />Fred Settle, Brian Wiser <br />Chief Allen, Charles Braun, Anthony Woodside, <br />Chris and Jessica Hester, Amanda Carrell <br />Brian Wiser made a motion to accept the minutes from the October meeting. Fred Settle <br />seconded. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on the status of the new building and that the <br />Mooresville Town Board approved the new tower for the building, the drywall was up and the <br />cement had been poured in the basement and garage. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on the hiring process. Of the six applicants that were <br />ILEA grads — one resigned, one failed to turn in his packet and the other 4 failed to meet the <br />department's expectations after they were sent to the Detectives for their background checks. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on the probationary officer who will complete his <br />one year on the 25th of this month. <br />Chief Allen updated that Police Commission on the statistics for the month of October. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission that Officer Bailey's vehicle had been struck while <br />parked in front of his residence last night. The neighbor has agreed to pay for Kenny Johnson's <br />body shop to make the repairs. <br />Charles Braun presented the Police Commission with his invoice and letter of understanding for <br />the upcoming 2019 year. Brian Wiser made a motion to accept the invoice and letter of <br />understanding as written. Fred Settle seconded the motion. No discussion. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />Fred Settle made a motion not to have the December meeting unless it was needed. Brian Wiser <br />seconded. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />The next meeting will be held on January 17 at 6:00 PM at the Mooresville Police Department. <br />