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Board of Police Commissioners <br />Mooresville Metropolitan 11 Larry Bryant <br />Police Department Brian Wiser <br />Fred Settle <br />MOORESVILLE POLICE COMMISSION MINUTES <br />These are the Minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Police Commission <br />held at the Mooresville Police Department on <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Bryant, Fred Settle, Brian Wiser <br />ALSO PRESENT: Chief Allen, Anthony Woodside, Lindsay Hayden, Charles Braun <br />Brian Wiser made a motion to approve the minutes from February 2018, Fred Settle seconded <br />the motion. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Chief Allen advised the Police Commission that he was still working on SOP 19. <br />Chief Allen provided the Police Commission with the stats from February 2018. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on Operation Pullover, the PACE team, grants <br />approved and received by the Mooresville Police Department. Chief Allen also advised the <br />Police Commission that IPL had replaced several bulbs and light fixtures in the building as part <br />of their energy savings program. <br />Chief Allen updated the Police Commission on Officers Pope and Horgan, who will come off of <br />probationary status as of March 31, 2018. <br />Attorney Charles Braun updated the Police Commission on a few cases before the Indiana Court <br />of Appeals involving forced blood tests. Attorney Braun advised that this is when a subject <br />refuses to take any testing for OWI arrests and the officer then obtains a search warrant for the <br />subject's blood. Chief Allen advised that the police department had been doing this for some <br />time, especially since we have an emergency room in town. <br />The next meeting will be held on May 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Mooresville Police Department <br />The next meeting will be held on at 6:00 PM at the Mooresville Police Department. <br />