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Board of Zoning Appeal Minutes <br />Thursday October 10th, 2019 <br />Members present: Mike Young, Perry King, Neal Allman, attorney Mel <br />Daniel, Charles McGuire was absent. <br />Mike Young called the meeting to order then called for a motion on the <br />previous minutes: Perry King motioned to approve, Neal Allman <br />seconded the motion and the minutes were approved 3-0. <br />The first item on the agenda is a variance request at 5623 E SR RD 144, <br />presented by Brian Moench on behalf of Todd and Tricia Price. The <br />request is to allow outdoor storage in a location zoned B3. Mr. Moench <br />explained that the request was to allow additional storage on a property <br />already housing storage units he also discussed the dry pond that would <br />be going before the county. Mike Young discussed the fencing <br />requirements for outdoor storage, he then called for questions when none <br />were asked, he called for a motion. Perry King made a motion to allow <br />the variance contingent on drainage pond approval, Neal Allman <br />seconded the motion and the motion passed 3-0. <br />The next item on the agenda is variance requests at 245 Indianapolis Rd <br />presented by Ross Holloway on behalf of Eugene Perry and Sunco <br />Construction. The requests are for: reduction in parking, elimination of <br />sidewalks, zero buffer yard and reduction of front, side and rear <br />setbacks. Ross Holloway stated the property had recently been before <br />the Plan Commission and received a favorable recommendation for a <br />rezone, the property was to be used for commercial storage and a <br />contractor's office. Mike Young called for questions; Perry King read a <br />letter presented to the BZA via the Clerk Treasurer's office from the <br />acting Police Chief expressing concerns. Ross Holloway and the board <br />