1-107: Injure: Injure shall mean to write upon, cut, mutilate, despoil, deface, damage,
<br />remove, pull, pluck, break, trample, bend, dredge, excavate, dig or destroy, in any
<br />manner any property or directly or indirectly deposit any substance material upon any
<br />property, including without implied limitation earth, stone, impure liquids, chemicals,
<br />waste, trash, rubbish, metal, wood, rubber, glass, or plastic.
<br />1-201 - Hours
<br />(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, Park Property shall be open
<br />to the public from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset every day.
<br />Park Property shall be closed to the public from 30 minutes after sunset each day until
<br />30 minutes before sunrise the following day.
<br />(b) The Board may by resolution, without the necessity of amending this
<br />Ordinance establish other hours during which Park Property, or any parts thereof,
<br />shall be open or closed to the public. The Board may periodically revise the hours
<br />provided. However, that notice of change in hours shall be posted at the applicable
<br />park or park location.
<br />(c) Special Closings. The Board or the Superintendent may close one or
<br />more District parks, buildings, and facilities or any part thereof to the public at any
<br />time and for any interval of time, either temporarily or at regular intervals, and
<br />either entirely or merely to certain uses, as deemed advisable and in the best interest
<br />of the public and District.
<br />1-202 - Firearms and Explosive Devices
<br />(a) Crossbow, bow and arrows, BB guns, sling shots, pellet guns, missile
<br />propelling devices, fireworks, bombs or other explosive devices, knives,
<br />paintball equipment or any other similar objects are strictly prohibited in any
<br />park for any reason. Except when acting in self-defense, as the term is defined
<br />under state law, no person shall discharge a firearm within a Park or on Park
<br />Property. This prohibition does not prohibit the possession/use of the following
<br />items in the following situations:
<br />(i) Kitchen utensils customarily used for food preparation or dining
<br />used by or under the supervision of adults.
<br />(ii) Knives, hatchets or axes used on wood, kindling or other material
<br />brought into a park by scouts or other groups upon written
<br />permission from the Department.
<br />(iii) Firearms in any park by a law enforcement officer or federal
<br />enforcement officer as those terms are defined in the Indiana Code.
<br />(iv) Firework displays by a group permitted by the Department and the
<br />Mooresville Fire Department.
<br />