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Town Council 10-05-2021
Town Council Minutes
Town Council 10-05-2021
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10/21/2021 9:07:26 AM
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Meeting Minute Type
Town Council Minutes
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1672 <br />ottdlfeirg,nZiber to have a key to the Clerk Treasurer's office. Clerk -Treasurer Wamsley made it clear <br />that Council President Warthen has been a help to her office in identifying items on the claims that were <br />approved for a rent but should be handled under a maintenance ag�eQement or contract. Council <br />�Pc�si?�FNf a�ili R�4'ueat j6gyAr2_TAi88ir?Va%s� f eQiV�&foorc' O Pa �o'ens h e funds <br />aMi@WLgNl�e�tot ESamaROtb qq 9rrectly applied. Councilman Williams made his opinion known that no <br />council members should have a key. <br />Council members present were Council President Tom Warthen, Councilman Dustin Stanley, Councilman <br />��WKM� dCde��iitilt%rMN'a tf(M�Nffili �o Saw�oeevin°V iIitconveyrsahtion oetliscuss <br />M@fates that were sent to the council via email. He also wants to make sure the company <br />conducting the traffic study speaks with Dave Moore. <br />Council President Warthen gave the prayer. <br />Pepettmun %tkiieFA8ibVCftSmcilman Swinney to approve the minutes of the September 21st meeting and <br />Eeconled by Councilman St nley. Motion Carried 5-0 <br />ounce man by, <br />read tie retirement notice from Brent Callahan that will be effective - <br />October 30, 2021. Councilman Williams praised his work in the parks department over the last <br />8 beds ed Business— <br />61a dglAatIDptlo3d- oznrtdheate8mnisemyahead tteMa®pierktd ptri#��RQ2r3ikrtd{gdtla(lowtcetm A6bwley <br />5ebwdt4tlth9(3U Im CwicAI V-rp€ldentjVft hflNlstar ad ftp&hd.would like to see the Town keep the <br />tradition of Halloween activities on October 31 regardless of the night of the week that falls on. <br />QhUVsilPhVNWbfWitJVGbge(0fF5zgd117m; it is <br />V&noietecOtacladn5ouvStso�cnatt�d,rer/,tb\besckmbcbteidfthithe Town. Councilman Warthen <br />reiterated that thz-street dedication will exclude alleys and street li s. Iman Stanley made <br />t]hi&4MIlen tdsb�tbbtIe¢ad poapeehchbudlfet,fmr"itbs&ef&lAi ' 'rte a6dunail>ro� '7ab <br />lsaoniteii he <br />madorimmid&B-Boger Grierdcon in Rhode Island; he is a member o the American K-9 <br />Association. Councilman Cook asks if IMPD officer Deil had been conta ted to inquirut a dog, and <br />4 i9�itarotdetruction but is <br />active to sign up as a volunteer and or make a donation. Once he site is ' 'shed all Lent information <br />Qhibb& flmmdr&terutredra (Doegivdeffi(@ onft for a responder tru k The total c fro <br />�Andy Moore would <br />be $50,604; if purchased from Bedford Ford, the total cost ul be $47,669. n asked about the <br />reason for switching from an SUV to a truck Chief stated th t they ould ave the ability to attach a <br />@ww �c�'tfW ck to plow the station parking lot would be a benefit. ou cilman Cook said he is not in <br />ffcdS9fl4u�19$I�Pf�l94@�R$�laFRhkGinthe <br />rgess F <br />discuss several events, including a Movie P rk Nc <br />gh6�Aarl VS€5WV4Re i0 dCS' ��� Ir�ar9 <br />if9WidiBc#iigt�@Rgt�@$stgfN9 4te_q41wres <br />they would be last year. To Attorney Lee larified at t <br />gfldirr�id Warthen stated h would like to each out <br />before moving forward. <br />Electronic meeting Resolution 2. <br />9dSQ a?rtllh @ �a�1� @ili3b@jpItN <br />This re$olution will <br />ouse Wrket came before the council to <br />er 26 ; they would like to capitalize on <br />�� ftx5rtf��#�@r'ih��e�a�tac�r€z�ke <br />�t19h&� lt�tid&iRh&g r�jR@s�l <br />WrfL0tNhEhgffiW@f tpccome <br />presenting the tree as they expressed <br />vn would be hanging all of the lights <br />rise and see the quotes on the SUV <br />use of electronics used for the <br />btf@rte@fit 4�€k�Rstw+�v�s�o�har>�,1��fM,na®fit <br />@Aie0@)ft$I1w. dohuh@f wgM Mh @r@r i61Lfir9thi <br />to be seen and heard; Town attorney Lee stated <br />that could be amended to just heard. Councilman Williams made a motion to table the issue until the <br />xNfh4@ @ @R $@ �@gtltPd�f 79flW@Rt?�@@bei@� @�tCsdY 6lRidfi tahit" MavMQ#3fa4@NcrlsLuion. <br />Town Attorney Lee will consult with him about the bid process for the street sweeper. He is still looking <br />fuARFl iAff fKAMW M rNdAuta0hpdjt_Qurfpg(DQfrR0W9Fnsleystated Indiana Finance Authority came <br />out with a directive that if we had sufficient public safety payroll amounts from March to September to <br />�u@11@R@�fR@dR@dab@@f@2P�€J4Ficf4fiitiM�rq lAedhcpb@@14afi41@�I�,@��'aii4M@f9�'teii`�Sadpn <br />j€l ldS fly@fir i gP@16@ �o�Wf&19 6®§iftGifl4��rtf@rY�@Edfor that; it was <br />just a means to simplify the process for everyone. However, since that's the approach we took, the <br />�l�f�adt�t���#tmt��vt�#��t3g@r�l�fcda��hr��t���r�c��d�lic>�a�4�,is�ite�a�aat�wag l ��d�fdr��ll <br />i��IRf@fltt@fi�r��Lsrir6lw�hffa�tsfIRkiii4(mzht dPdfrcl#QID�mDh3arBg�(ng the <br />��j€n��c§@rli92riSlcYNi�� FF@i�rst���fticsclP�W�$3ifi H@RG@€lwo vehicles. <br />ACilmembers' after-hours access to the Clerk Treasurer's office - Councilman Williams asked for <br />clarification if all council members had access to keys to the Clerk Treasurer's office. Clerk -Treasurer <br />T1@fffiWW@rf @"-read a statement for public record (see attachment Exhibit A) in response to <br />allegations that certain members of the council were receiving special treatment with regards to access <br />RA419i!iMtr 0%crrer's office. Clerk -Treasurer Wamsley made it clear that all requests for keys for the <br />council members would be addressed on an individual basis based on situations that would warrant the <br />
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