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Fourth agenda item: Zone map change request from Louis & Phyllis Garland <br />presented by John Larrison of Holloway. The request for 211 '/z E Harrison is to go <br />from an RI to an R2 to allow the construction of a 2 -family dwelling. Mr. & Mrs. <br />Garland intend to build a duplex similar to others in close proximity. The property <br />owners understand that should the rezone be approved by the PC and TC they will <br />still need to go before the BZA for multiple variances. Neighboring zoning was <br />questioned, various in that neighborhood. Mike Young questioned building <br />materials; Tammy VanHook expressed concerns for property owners having to <br />build above the financial area. When no further questions were asked by the <br />commission and no comments from the audience David Saddler called for a <br />motion: Tammy VanHook to approve favorably contingent upon the use of brick in <br />the front,- -and hardy plank elsewhere, motion carries 5-0. <br />Next agenda item: Primary Plat on behalf of Hill Water @ SR 67, presented by <br />John Larrison. The request is to allow a 1 lot 10.846 -acre minor plat to be known <br />as Hopwood-Hillwater Minor plat for the intentions of sale to the Hopwood family. <br />The property has no road frontage, an easement has been added to the plat per a <br />request at the technical review meeting, the intended purchasers realize the <br />property is virtually unusable. David Saddler called for questions and or <br />comments, when none were made by the commission or audience he then called <br />for a motion. Josh Brown made the motion to approve, Mark Taylor seconded the <br />motion and the motion passed 5-0. <br />Permits 11 and Inspections 66 since 4/14/22 <br />Seventh agenda item: David saddler and Tammy VanHook signed 2 previously <br />approved plats for RDC and William Settle. <br />Tammy VanHook presented the GRW contract for the Plan Commission to send to <br />the Town Council for final approval. <br />The Commission discussed ideas on how it would like to proceed with adopting <br />written rules and regulations. <br />No new / unfinished business <br />i n to urn was made by Tammy VanHo secode i assed 5-0 <br />President e ary <br />