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along as intended. He did note that Buffers had requested an additional 30 days for their due diligence <br />period. Commissioner Culp made the motion to approve a 30 -day extension of the due -diligence period <br />for the Buffers USA Purchase and Sales Agreement Amendment to be drafted by legal counsel. <br />Commissioner Pipkin seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />Fire Station Update: Manns shared there is no update as she and Chief Dalton are still investigating <br />whether there are existing town -owned properties that could be used for the training facility. <br />Patel Site Update: Manns shared she anticipated there will be a plan amendment as well as an <br />economic development agreement prepared for the June meeting in order to move things forward with <br />the Patel site and CTC. <br />New Business: Commissioner Pipkin shared a draft of the Town's Comprehensive Plan will be made <br />available soon. <br />Legal/Managerial update: Manns provided a brief monthly update. <br />Review of Claims: The claims were presented in the amount of $11,841.69. Commissioner Pipkin made <br />the motion to approve the claims as presented. Commissioner Culp seconded the motion, which carried <br />For the Good of the Order: Commissioner Jake Allen thanked everyone on behalf of the schools for <br />their continued support. Commissioner Culp shared he will now be meeting along with other County <br />Officials with representatives from the Town of Plainfield to discuss opportunities to work together. <br />The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 6:OOpm. <br />Commissioner Culp made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Pipkin seconded the motion, which <br />carried 3-0. <br />r 'r' <br />Ch1irman <br />ATTEST: <br />Secretary <br />