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plans have been modified. There will be more of an update in the near future. <br />Main Street RFP: Manns presented an RFP for design services for Main Street for consideration. This <br />would begin the process of selecting an engineer to design updates to Main Street from approximately <br />Monroe Street to Maple Lane. After some discussion, it was decided the previous Main Street <br />committee would still oversee the process. That includes Dana Heidenreich, Brian Culp, Greg Swinney, <br />Dave Moore and Chelsey Manns. Commissioner Pipkin made the motion to approve and send out the <br />RFP as presented. Commissioner Heidenreich seconded the motion, which carried. <br />New Business: <br />Parks Department Presentation: Parks Director Philip Cornelius presented a master plan for Pioneer <br />Park, requesting financial assistance for various items including but not limited to pickleball courts, <br />basketball courts and a community center. After much discussion, Director Cornelius will present again <br />in August with additional information and updated numbers. <br />Legal/Managerial update: Manns discussed TrustlNdiana, a local government investment pool which <br />municipalities can use to earn interest on current liquid assets. After some discussion, Commissioner <br />Williams asked whether the investment would be federally insured. Commissioner Culp requested a <br />memo from Baker Tilly regarding the recommendation on size of investment the Commission should <br />consider. <br />Attorney Steuerwald presented the 2023 Legislative update regarding new laws going into effect <br />Review of Claims: The claims were presented in the amount of $656,933.40. Commissioner Culp asked <br />for clarity regarding some of the invoices. Manns shared this included the Gateway Bond Refunding, the <br />Shell Building payment and the SRF payment. Commissioner Culp made the motion approve the claims <br />as presented. Commissioner Pipkin seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. <br />For the Good of the Order: Commissioner Williams congratulated the Commission on the sale of two <br />properties and thanked Parks Director Cornelius and Park Board members for their time and <br />presentation. Commissioners Culp and Pipkin echoed the statements to the Parks Director Cornelius. <br />The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, August 3, 2023 at 6:OOpm. <br />Commissioner Culp made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Heidenreich seconded the motion, <br />which carried 5-0. <br />