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Patel Site Update: Manns shared that she is working with Banning Engineering regarding the RFP <br />submittal and Town design standards. There was a debacle with the newspaper regarding the public <br />notice so the public hearing for the BOT will be pushed to December. <br />Parks Update: Parks Superintendent Phil Cornelius was in attendance to further discuss the parks <br />project and request for participation. The miscommunication previously surrounded the Commission's <br />inability to pay for maintenance costs which is different from construction of a maintenance facility. <br />Commissioner Heidenreich made the motion to approve Resolution 2023-6 regarding the <br />Reimbursement Agreement for an amount not to exceed $3,150,000 to go towards the parks identified <br />projects. Commissioner Pipkin seconded the motion, which carried 3-0. <br />Legal/Managerial Update: No legal update. <br />Manns shared she is working with Banning Engineering regarding the Main Street timeline and will share <br />information as it becomes available with the steering committee. <br />New Business: No new business. <br />Review of Claims: The claims were presented in the amount of $210,897.94. Manns noted this <br />included the police station fence project and the signal pole on High and Carlisle Streets. Commissioner <br />Pipkin made the motion to approve the claims as presented. Commissioner Heidenreich seconded the <br />motion, which carried 3-0. <br />For the Good of the Order: Commissioner Pipkin commended the Parks Department on a successful <br />Halloween Hike. <br />The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 6:00pm. <br />Commissioner Pipkin made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Heidenreich seconded the motion, <br />which carried 3-0. <br />A ST: <br />Secretary <br />Ch <br />' an <br />A ST: <br />Secretary <br />