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1948 <br />Councilman Brown seconded. The motion carried 5-0. <br />Town Council Comments — <br />Councilman Cook recommended taking the next steps to persuade Lawyer Trucking to <br />clean up their property. <br />Councilman Cook motioned to have Legal reach outwith a letter outlining a time frame for <br />the property clean-up. Councilman Brown seconded. The motion carried 5.0. <br />Councilman Witt requested additional information on the HVAC project, Council President <br />Warthen stated he would get details to the entire council, He was waiting for legal approval <br />before dispersing the information. <br />Councilman Brown made a motion to allow legal to move forward with a cleanup notice for <br />814 N Indiana St. Councilman Swinney seconded. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Councilman Brown also inquired about an update on the storage units on Bolton Ave. Town <br />Attorney Lee explained that a new process had started due to the sale of the property. <br />Council President Warthen discussed the start of the SBOA bi-annual audit and the <br />forthcoming surveys the Town Council Members will receive. <br />The next regular meeting of the Mooresville Town Council will be held on Tuesday, June 18, <br />2024, at 6:30 P.M. at the Mooresville Government Center. <br />With no further business to come before the council, Councilman Brown motioned to <br />adjourn, which was seconded by Councilman Swinney. The motion carried 5-0. <br />Dianna Wamsley, Clerk -Treasurer <br />Tom Warthen, Council President <br />