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Commissioner Settle inquired about the officer that is currently in FTO. Chief Buckner advised <br />that it was Officer Ballard. Commissioner Settle also inquired about how many officers was the <br />department short and Chief Buckner replied that with the hiring of the three officers he would be <br />fully staffed until January. <br />Chief Buckner advised the Police Commission that had received three new vehicles to add to the <br />fleet. He advised that he received one Chevrolet Tahoe and two Chevrolet Silverados. He was <br />going to need additional appropriations to purchase the other three vehicles that were ready to be <br />picked up. Chief Buckner added that they will be picking the vehicles up next week. Again, he <br />received one Chevrolet Tahoe and two Chevrolet Silverados. He asked for three Tahoes and <br />received two. The Silverados were less expensive than the Tahoes. <br />Chief Buckner advised that he has five vehicles that are ready to go to the auction. <br />Commissioner Hobbick asked if the department had any reserve officers. Chief Buckner advisee <br />that he had four reserve officers. Scott Hamilton, who has been with the department a long time. <br />Gracie Eveland, who is currently working with Detective McDaniel in the property room. Chad <br />Oldham, who came from Monrovia PD and has worked with the MCSD in the past. Brock <br />Chipman, who was no longer a full-time officer but wanted to stay on as a reserve. <br />Attorney Braun stated that he would like to make a comment about reserve matters. He advised <br />that more departments were seeing less people interested in being a reserve officer. It is <br />becoming a trend. <br />Attorney Braun also asked Chief Buckner about the lateral transfer, the department from which <br />she had come. Chief Buckner advised that it was Zionsville, but because she missed the 180 -day <br />separation cutoff then she had to do the entire process again. <br />Commissioner Settle asked how long that was going to take to get her approved. Chief Buckner <br />stated that she had finished everything, and he just needed to get the local pension board's <br />approval. He was hoping that he would get the results from the firefighter so he could present <br />them both to the board and just have one meeting. <br />Chief Buckner advised that the next class at the ILEA was full, but they would be able to get <br />them in at the first of the year. The physical agility test to get into the academy is December 181h <br />No new business from the attorney <br />Commissioner Hobbick asked Attorney Braun about any new laws that had taken effect. Braun <br />stated that he has been reviewing them and he does not see anything that would squarely affect <br />this commission. <br />No public comments. <br />