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MOORESVtLLE BO.:~,D OF ZONING .~PPLa. LS <br /> September. 15,1999 <br /> <br />The Mocres'rille Board ofZomng AFpeais met for thek regular meelmg September 19,1999,at <br />the Moore~ille Town HE 26 South Indiana Street. Board members present were <br />)dan Kt'amer, Donald Ban:_,' and ~,hke 't%unt:. Brent Plunkett was absent fro' the meeting. <br />Tim Currens, Moore~'ille Tram attorney was also present. <br /> <br />In the absence of Charman Plunkett the meeting was celled to order by Donald Barry <br />Barry asked for a motion on the mw. utes from the August 18,1999 meeting. A motion was <br />made to accept the nfinutes as ~witten by ,Man Kramer and seconded by Mike Young, the <br />motion camed 3-0 with none opposed. <br /> <br />The fu'~ item on the agenda was a Special Exception for n~n~al extraction in a flood plain <br />on 66 acres fronting of South State Road 67 South. Donald Ban?.- explained to the <br />audience at this t/me the Special Exception would be sent to the Plan Conmfismon <br />t:ar ~.midv. Jane Moore asked that the board explain exact' what was happening..Mr. Cu~rens <br />Explained that this is the way Special Exceptions are handled. The Plan commission ail1 <br />~mxly the Exception and send it back to the Board of Zorang Appeals. <br /> <br />The second item on the agenda was Dome and Ladonna Noel asking to build a pole <br />in from of the house. ,%,Ir Noel explained that there ai'e trees frontm~ wh~e the barn <br />~51! be built. With no quemons from the floor the De,.'elolm~ent~ ~andards were read <br />by Donald Ban'. Donald Bari?.' asked for a motion on the variance, M/ko Your~ motioned <br />to appr~_ove the vmance For Noels to build tt:e ban to the front ofthe/: house The second <br />came from .Man IG'an%et' the motion camed 3-0 with none oFposed <br /> <br />At ttus ~me the nunutes and Developmental Standards were signed. <br /> <br />With no othe~ bUm-ness before the board at th~ tm~e .Mr Ban'v asked for a motion to <br />adj om'n., the motion to adjourn was made by .~hke Young and seconded by <br />the motion caned 3-0. <br /> <br />Chai:man: <br /> <br />Secreta~' <br /> <br /> <br />