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MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> MARCH 17,1999 <br /> <br />The Mooresvine Board of Zoning met for their regular meeting on March 17,1999 at 7:30 p.m <br />In the Meffm~.g Room of the Town Hall at 26 South Indiana Street. Board Members present <br />were Donald Barry, Alan Kramer and Mike Young. Tim Currens, Town Attorney was also <br />present for the meeting. <br /> <br />Alan Kramer motioned to accept the minutes from the Feb. 17,1999 meeting with a <br />clmnge to be made in the seventh paragraph, the second to accept the minutes with <br />The change in paragraph number ~ The minutes were accepted with a 3-0 vote. <br /> <br />Ross Holloway representing Block Buster in a request for a sign set back variance. <br />From the required 30 feet to 8 feet. Mr. Holloway explained the sign would be about 20 feet <br />high and the total sign would be 610 square feet. With no questons the Facts and Findings <br />were read by Donald Barry. Alan Kramer motioned to grant the variance for Block Buster, <br />A second came from Mike Young the motioned carried 3-0 with none opposed. <br /> <br />Scott Buechter from Scott Buechter Land Group LLC, new ownem of the Heartland <br />Crossing Golf Course came to the board to request a Sign Variance. The ~gn would be <br />5x8 foot and 200 feet off.of State Road 67 east of Poss. At~er the readings of the Facts and <br />Findings a motion was made by Mike Young to grant the sign variance a second came <br />from Alan Krm-ner. The motion passed with a 3-0 vote. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Mike Young to adjourn the meeting, motion to adjourn was seconded <br />by Alan Kimner, motion passed 3-0 with none opposed. <br /> <br />The next meeting of the Bo.ard O,f Zoning Appeals will <br />Br~nt P~daket~: Chairman <br /> <br />be May 19, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> <br />Veto Kimmel: Secretart <br /> <br /> <br />