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<br />I <br /> <br />MINUTES OF MOORESVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING <br /> <br />February 10, 1969 <br />7:30 PM <br />Fire Dept. Bldg. of Municipal Bldg. <br /> <br />'--- <br /> <br />Members Present: Chairman, George Wor1and,and Dale Hese1man, David Loudermilk, <br />Marlow Fu1k, Bob Johnson, John Crose, Winston Tackitt, and Earl Magenheimer <br /> <br />Minutes of the January meeting were read. It was moved by John Crose and <br />seconded by Marlow Fu1k that the minutes be accepted. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Chairman Worland presented each member with a new portfolio with a map <br />of Mooresvi11e enclosed. The bill for this purchase was to be turned in <br />and the money taken from the allocation for services and supplies. <br /> <br />The old business of the Commission meeting with Delbert Hobson on the <br />boundry lines to town was taken out of the Commission's hands by the Town <br />Board acting on this matter. <br /> <br />A question was raised as to the property owned by E1by Miller at <br />8 East Washington Street being zoned for light industry. This was supposedly <br />done in 1961 for the granting of the building of a restaurant on the property. <br />The minutes of the meetings of 1961 were checked and as stated in them it was <br />still residential. Dale Hese1man moved and it was seconded by Marlow Fu1k that <br />this property was not specifically zoned for light industry and therefore <br />should be zoned as residential. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Several miscellaneous items were then discussed and then it was moved <br />by Dale Hese1man that the meeting be adjourned, since it was being held <br />in the un-heated garage part of the fire station. Bob Johnson seconded this <br />and the meeting was then adjourned. <br /> <br />Earl Magenheimer <br />