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MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF METROPOLITAN POLICE COMMISSIONERS <br /> JULY 16, 1998 <br /> <br /> The Town of Mooresville Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners met duly 16, 1998 with <br />Board members Dr. Dennis Knierim, Tom Warthen and legal council Rod Bray being present. <br />The meeting was preceded with the pledge of allegiance, then called to ordered by Dennis <br />Knierim. <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen made motion and was seconded by Dennis Knierim to approve the minutes of the <br />last meeting. <br /> <br /> Under Old Business, Tom Warthen advised that roof bids for the Police Department building <br />were taken, an~ as the lowest bid was accepted. Tim Currens is drawing up the <br /> <br />contracl. <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen advised that the request for a donation towards the County Shooting Range was <br />taken before the Town Councd, and they are requesting more information, including cost to tram <br />at Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. Tim Vdes stated he is waiting on a letter from the <br />Academy that will detail the cost, including fee for a certified instructor. Tom Warthen suggested <br />that perhaps a contract would be needed with the Sherifj°s Department to guarentee intrest in, <br />and usage of the range. Viles will have Legal research if that is advisable. <br /> <br /> Dennis Knierim announced that the Department is in the process of putting together names of <br />individuals for selection ora replacement due to the resignation of Officer Schuclc Tim Vdes <br />advised that a panel has been selected for the interview process, which should be ready to start in <br />two weeks. Warthen questioned if the apphcants were from the last hiring list, or if'new <br />apphcants were considered, Resumes, Lateral Transfers from other departments, and In-House <br />hiring was discussed. The Commissioners requested that other resumes' be considered that would <br />be lateral transfers. <br /> <br /> The Standard Operating Procedures were discussed at length, with the following outcome: <br /> <br /> <br />