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MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF METROPOLITAN POLICE COMMISSIONERS <br /> DECEMBER 17, 1998 <br /> <br /> The Town of Mooresvdle Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners meeting on December <br /> 17, 1998 was called to order by Dr. Dennis Knierim. `41so present was board member Thomas <br /> Warthen and legal council Timothy Currens. <br /> <br /> The October minutes were approved, as there was no meeting in November. <br /> <br /> Under OM Business: <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen made motion and was seconded by Dr. Knierim to promote John Forbes to the <br />late shift sergeants position, effective December 19, 1998. Chief Tim Vdes noted that by state law, <br />he will be on one years probation, with reviews being handled the same as probationary officers. <br />.4 motion was also made and passed to retain the list of officers that were considered for this pro- <br />motion for any future Sergeant openings. Those officers are William Snyder, Barry Combs and <br />Mark Harris. <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen made motion tO open up a twenty mile radius fi'om Mooresvdle for off duty <br />driving. This was seconded by Dennis Knierim, with a request of documentation of off duty miles~ <br />driven for one month, efJbctive immediately. <br /> <br /> Tom Warthen, speaking[hr the board, thanked the tax paying citizens, Town Council and <br />Officers that are members of the Police Pension Board, stating that they are finally seeing a light <br /> <br />at the end of the tunnel on the pension. <br /> Under New Business: <br /> <br /> Chief Viles made a recommendation to the commissioners to hire a Public Sa[bty Officer to <br />handle handicap parking violations and abandoned vehicles. This wouM not be a paid position, <br />but the department would provide a uniform and use ora vehicle. He noted that such a position <br />could enforce local and state ordinances, but would not have arrest powers or be a Reserve <br />status. He recommended Larry Bryant, who is currently a part time employee, has been through <br />reserve training, and is a special deputy with the Sher~ff Department. Action was tabled on this to <br /> <br /> <br />