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MOORESVILLE PLAN COMMISSION <br /> Jan. 25, 2010 <br /> Minutes <br /> The Mooresville Plan Commission met in regular session Thursday, Jan. 25, 2010 at 6:02 <br /> p.m. The meeting was held at the Mooresville Government Center. <br /> Members of the commission present were: Chairman Mike Young, Perry King, Charles <br /> Berwick, Jeff Dieterlen, Brian Anderson, Ann Whaley, and Darrell Brown. Town <br /> attorney Tim Currens was also present. <br /> The meeting was called at 6 p.m. Member Charles Berwick asked for a correction to the <br /> minutes. He was not present at the last meeting. Jeff Dieterlen made a motion to accept <br /> the minutes as corrected. Charles Berwick seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 <br /> with none opposed. <br /> The first item on the agenda was a return of Holloway Meadow Lake Amendment PUD <br /> BLC C. John Larrison represented Holloway and Andrew Greenwood served as legal <br /> council for the petitioner. Jeremy Keiser was also present to answer questions. They were <br /> seeking approval for the detailed site plan for amended lot C Meadow Lake PUD. The <br /> site will include two two story professional buildings. The plan also included proposed <br /> improvements to Old 67 and the opening on the entrance on Old 67 which were approved <br /> by the town council. Member Jeff Dieterlen asked if the changes made would make <br /> changes to the run off. Larrison said it did change the amount of impervious surface but <br /> that the projected was still within the guidelines of the overall in the watershed of the <br /> overall PUD drainage plan. Chairman Mike Young said the elevation of the two buildings <br /> is higher than the assisted living units. He asked how much. He was told one foot. <br /> Member Ann Whaley asked what the improvements were over the improvements to Old <br /> 67. Larrison explained that there will be one continuous 12-foot lane running the length <br /> of the project. The representatives explained the how the turn lane would work and there <br /> is one continuous lane along the entire length of the project. Member Ann Whaley asked <br /> Joe Beikman if he was comfortable. Beikman said he saw what was proposed to the town <br /> council and was comfortable with it. Town attorney Tim Currens made the comment the <br /> road was actually in the county but that the county had asked the town to take it over. <br /> Member Darrell Brown said the bonding would be subject to the county's approval. <br /> Brown made a motion to approve subject to the county's approval of the bonding. <br /> Member Brian Anderson seconded the motion. The project was approved 7-0. <br /> The next item on the agenda was Holloway with Rick Deckard; Site Plan Morley's Hope <br /> Senior Housing. John Larrison represented Holloway. Rick Deckard was also present. <br /> Larrison presented an overall explanation of the project and a detailed plan. Larrison <br /> made comments on each of the technical review committee's questions. Proposed parking <br /> didn't meet town's requirements was one of the comments. There was also a concern that <br />