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ORDINANCE NO. 2-2022 <br />ORDINANCE OF MOORESVILLE TOWN COUNCIL APPROPRIATING <br />UNOBLIGATED MONIES ON DEPOSIT IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR <br />AMENDMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Mooresville (the "Town') is a municipality organized <br />and existing entity under the provisions of Ind. Code 36-5-1; <br />WHEREAS, the Council President (the "Executive") is the Executive of the Town; <br />WHEREAS, the Mooresville Town Council (the "Council') is the fiscal body of the <br />Town; <br />WHEREAS, the Council, by and through the Mooresville Plan Commission, is <br />responsible for the Mooresville Comprehensive Plan ("Plan") and any amendments that <br />are required of that Plan; <br />WHEREAS, the Plan is in need of amendment, and therefore, the Council is <br />responsible for appropriating sufficient dollars for the Mooresville Plan Commission to <br />cause such amendments to occur; <br />,WHEREAS, certain unobligated dollars in the amount of Three Hundred Fourteen <br />Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty -Four Dollars ($314,834.00) were transferred from the <br />Mooresville Cares Act #150 Fund to the General Fund per Resolution 26-2021 and are <br />currently on deposit in the duly approved municipal budget for the year 2022; <br />WHEREAS, the Executive has recommended that the Council appropriate Three <br />Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) of those unobligated dollars on deposit in the <br />General Fund for the purpose of amending the Plan; <br />WHEREAS, the additional appropriation of such unobligated funds will not <br />increase the Town's tax levy set in accordance with Ind. Code 6-1.1-17; <br />WHEREAS, the Town has caused notice of a hearing on said appropriation <br />to be published as required by law; and <br />WHEREAS, the public hearing was held on March 15, 2022 at 6:30 p.m., at <br />Mooresville Town Hall, Mooresville, Indiana, concerning said appropriation at which <br />t i me all taxpayers and interested persons had an opportunity to appear and express <br />their views as to such additional appropriation; <br />72790053vl <br />