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MINUTES OF THE MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met at its regular <br />meeting place, the Town Hall, at a special meeting July 25, 1990 <br />at 7:00 p.m. Present were Board Members Don Barry, Vernon Kimmel, <br />Alan Kramer, and Robert Tucker. The Board's attorney, Timothy C. <br />Currens, was also present. Chairman Barry determined there was a <br />quorum present and proceeded to the approval of the minutes of the <br />prior meeting. <br /> <br /> The first item on the agenda was the special exception for <br />the Planned Unit Development on Cloverleaf Properties of <br />Indianapolis, Indiana, along with 6 variance requests for the same <br />project. The drawings were shown to the Board by George Smith who <br />was present along with David Best from Cloverleaf Properties. <br />Exhibits "A", "B", and "C" were introduced which showed the <br />specifics of the request in Exhibit "B". In particular, the <br />petitioners were requesting a variance on the lot line setbacks <br />for the Springhill Apartments, Phase II from the 40 foot setback <br />from a residential street required by the ordinance to 30 feet. <br />Secondly, they were requesting a reduction in the minimum ground <br />floor square footage from 540 feet to 400 feet on 19 efficiency <br />units to be used in the elderly housing project. The third <br />variance request was for a reduction in the minimum lot area from <br />the 10,000 square foot requirement of the ordinance to 6900 square <br />feet in the Springmill Subdivision. The fourth request was in the <br />Springmill Subdivision, lots 25-34, with the request for a <br />variance from the ordinance minimum lot width of 2 to 1 ratio to <br /> <br /> <br />