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Mooresville Metropolitan Board of Police Commissioners <br />Police Department Ernie Wilson <br />Fred Settle <br />Christopher Hobbick <br />MOORESVILLE POLICE COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br />These are the minutes of the scheduled meeting of the Mooresville Police Commission, held at <br />the Mooresville Police Department on July 20, 2023. <br />Members Present: Christopher Hobbick, Ernie Wilson, Fred Settle <br />Also Present: Chief Kerry Buckner <br />The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. <br />Commissioner Ernie Wilson made a motion to accept the minutes from the May 181h meeting. <br />Commissioner Fred Settle seconded. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Commissioner Fred Settle made a motion to accept the minutes from the June 15th cancelled <br />meeting. Commissioner Ernie Wilson seconded. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />Commissioner Christopher Hobbick made a motion to accept the minutes from the July 71h <br />executive meeting. Commissioner Ernie Wilson seconded. No discussion. Motion <br />Commissioner Hobbick advised that Chief Buckner would not be present as he was currently <br />training in Quantico. <br />Old Business <br />Commissioner Hobbick discussed the new K-9 policy (SOP). He stated that he was not <br />comfortable with approving the SOP without Chief Buckner being present. Commissioner <br />Hobbick advised that the police department was currently operating under the current SOP and <br />that there was a K9 officer on duty. There was much discussion between the members and the <br />Police Commission Attorney Braun. The motion to approve was tabled. <br />Commissioner Hobbick presented the new SOP, Disciplinary Matrix. He stated that it is intense <br />for a disciplinary matrix. Commissioner Settle stated that the SOP does not leave any gray areas, <br />you know exactly what will happen should an officer need to be disciplined. There was <br />discussion among the Police Commission and Attorney Braun. Attorney Braun advised the <br />commission that they would also have to follow the SOP if the commission should have to <br />discipline an officer. <br />New Business <br />