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TC 2008
Town Council Minutes
TC 2008
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Creation date
12/30/2008 12:09:45 PM
Clerk Treas
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QQ ~ i Les Farmer, Fire Chief, requested a construction manager for the new fire station. The <br />L'7~ committee still feels Edward Rigdon would be the best. Councilman Langley asked about some <br />type of guarantee from the construction manager concerning the maximum cost. Brian Turley, <br />Edward Rigdon Construction, said he would put together bid packets for the project and said that <br />in theory if everybody has done their homework up front this will be the guaranteed maximum <br />cost. Any changes by the Town or unforeseen problems will cause a change. Councilman <br />Langley voiced concern about wanting to use a local company. Brian Turley said all companies <br />will be able to bid. A motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman <br />Goodwin to enter into an .agreement with Edward Rigdon and continue on with the bid process. <br />Motion carried 5-0. Attorney Currens wants the agreement to review. <br />Nikki Laycoax requested a street closing Main Street from Indiana Street to Clay Street on July <br />12~', noon to five, for a Mooresville Community Day to benefit the boys and girls clubs of <br />Morgan County. A motion was made by Councilman Clark. with a second by Councilman Cook <br />to approve the request. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Council President Harris announced a meeting on June 30~' at 6:00 P. M. at the Government <br />Center. TACT will be presenting House Enrolled Act 1001. All department heads are to attend. <br />The meeting lasts 45 minutes to an hour. <br />Motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Clark to approve a rezone <br />of Adams-VanWinkle property from Agriculture to B-2 PUD, Ordinance #7, 2008. Motion <br />carried 5-0. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Cook with a second by Councilman Goodwin to approve <br />confirmatory resolution for Mt. Olive on real property and Live Oak, LLC on equipment - ~ <br />abatement. Motion carried,,5~4 -~D, ~v~~-~r.~yJ c~-~'~ -~ <br />Appointments from Town Council President were named: Ann Whaley, democrat to Plan <br />Commission and Brian Anderson, republican to Plan Commission. <br />Larry Bryant, Police Commissioner, appeared before the council requesting a 22°a officer. He <br />gave the handouts, a letter from Chief Viles, to the council. Mr. Bryant had statistics to verify <br />the need. He told the council that money wise they had two officers quit that calculated to <br />$17,500 in 2008 budget to finish out this year. Mr. Bryant said they had an 32% increase in cad <br />calls. Councilman Langley asked if there were other cost savings. Council President Harris said <br />he had mixed feeling about this. He was always excited to get additional help in the Police <br />Department, but he knew other departments that were in bad shape and needed more help. <br />Councilman Cook motioned to table and talk to the other councilmen. Councilman Langley <br />seconded the motion. The vote was 3-2. Councilman Clark and Councilman Gaadwin opposed. <br />Joe Beikman, Street Superintendent, stated he had a list of streets to pave, but did not have the <br />money in his budget that was cut by $200,000. A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a <br />second by Councilman Goodwin to approve an additional appropriation from LR & S and CCD. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />Jim Ransome, Fark Board, announced free swim day and activities for their 20~' anniversary on <br />Saturday, June 215, 2008. <br />Animal Control Officer, Mark Taylor, reported twenty-two (22) calls, five (5) impounds, and <br />three (3) returns. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Cook to approve <br />payment of claims. Motion carried 5-0. <br />There being no further business to come before the Town Council at this time, a motion was <br />made by Councilman Clark with a second by Councilman Cook to adjourn. the meeting. Motion <br />carried.5-0. <br />The next meeting of the Mooresville Town Council will be Tuesday, July 1, 2008, at 6:30 P. M. <br />at the Mooresville Government Center. <br />M Harri Council President <br />ATTEST: <br />.~ <br />Sandra R. Perry, Clerk-Treasurer <br />
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