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July 1, 2008 ~~ <br />The Mooresville Tawn Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 at 6:3U p.m. at <br />the Mooresville Government Center. <br />Council members present were: President Mark Harris and Councilmen Jeff Cook, Jahn L. <br />Clark and Anthony Langley. Councilman Ryan Goodwin was absent. Town Attorney, Tim <br />Currens was also present. <br />The meeting was opened with a prayer by Jim Taylor of Grace Church. <br />Tony Langley asked to have the minutes of the June 17, 2008 meeting amended to show that he <br />abstained from voting on the Mt. Olive Confirmatory Resolution, making the vote four in favor <br />and none opposed instead of 5-0 as previously written. <br />Helen Hill of 125 Lewis Drive was present to ask the Council if the Town could install a culvert <br />pipe in her yard. Jae Beikman, Street Superintendent, stated that he would have to come out and <br />look at her yard to see what she needed but it was possible that she could purchase the pipe and <br />the Town would install it for her. She will call Public Works to set up a time to meet with Mr. <br />Beikman. Ms. Hill also asked if there was supposed to be a drainage ditch on her street because <br />the next street over has one but her street does nat. Tim Currens stated that the Town inherited <br />Brookmore from the County and was not involved in the planning of the subdivision. <br />William Hlas of 41 W. South Street was present to ask the Town for restitution for his car that <br />was damaged in May when a tree belonging to the town fell on it due to high winds during a <br />storm. President Harris stated that he had spoken to Larry Long of Hadley, Cook and Quillen <br />that day and was given a letter of denial from the insurance company, stating that the damage <br />was weather related and not due to any negligence on the Town's part. '1"he Town had no prior <br />knowledge of the tree being rotted before the storm. <br />President Harris asked the Council for permission to contact Umbaugh concerning a salary rate <br />study to compare the Town's salaries and benefits to those of the surrounding area. He stated <br />that the Town. has lost employees to other agencies that pay more and have better benefits after <br />spending thousands of dollars on the employee. Councilman Langley asked. how much a salary <br />study would cost and President Harris stated that he is asking for permission to contact them and <br />get that information and would report back to the Council at the next meeting. <br />Councilman Langley made a motion to allow President Harris to contact Umbaugh to get the <br />cost and the details on a salary study. Motion was second by Councilman Clark. Motion carried <br />4-0. <br />Troy Bryant, representing Indiana American Water Company, was present to ask the Council <br />what the future plans were for the old street garage on. Harrison Avenue. The water company is <br />looking to build a new plant and have it running by 2011 and it would take more land than they <br />have at their current location. He wanted to let the Council know that the water company would <br />be interested in purchasing the property if the Town should decide to sell it. They would be <br />looking to purchase property by the end of 2009. President Harris stated that he saw no reason to <br />hang onto the property due to the fact that they would be limited on what could go in there and <br />he would be interested in talking to the water company about selling it to them. He asked the <br />Council to consider going ahead and having appraisals done on the property. Councilman <br />Langley asked what the current use of the building was ani President Harris stated it was being <br />used for storage. Councilman Langley asked if the Town would have to build more storage in <br />the future and President Harris stated that he was sure they would. <br />A motion was made by Councilman Langley to seek appraisals for the old street garage property <br />on 1'larrison Avenue. Motion was second by Councilman Caak and carried 3-1. Councilman <br />Clark opposed. <br />Councilman Clark stated that he had received a call from Don Barry afthe American Legion <br />asking for approval. for the parade route for the Old Settlers Parade on August 3'~, beginning at <br />2:00 p.m. <br />Motion to grant permission for the Old Settlers Parade was made by Councilman Cook, second <br />by Councilman Clark and carried 4-0. <br />