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Based upon those findings Alan Cramer moved with regards to the <br />Town Center sign, to vary the 60 foot setback requirement from <br /> <br />Bridge Street to allow for a 20 foot setback. The motion was seconded <br />by Steve Oschman and unanimously carried. Steve Oschman moved with <br />regard to the Burger King sign to vary the 30 foot setback requirement <br />from the property line to 20 feet. The motion was seconded by Vern <br />Kimmel and unanimously carried. <br /> <br /> The next item on the agenda was the application of BPS Corporation <br />requesting a variance to use a garage at the rear of residential <br />property located at 331 North East Street for a business. The business <br />would be an art framing wholesale business. The applicant advised <br />that they would be providing a service for galleries and artists. <br />It would be taking prints and transferring them to a canvas. There <br />would be no retail sales and no traffic except for UPS pickup one <br />time per day. There would be no noise and the only tools used would <br />be an air stapler and an airless sprayer. There would also be no <br />signs on the building. They further advised that the front is being <br />leased to a different party as a residence. <br /> <br /> The board discussed the new ordinance and felt that they were <br />not sufficiently apprised of the changes to make a decision on this <br />matter. Steve Oschman therefore moved to table consideration of this <br />application until the October meeting. The motion was seconded by <br />Vern Kimmel and unanimously carried. A couple of remonstrators were <br />present wanting to comment on the proposed application. Myrtle Clark <br />advised that the garage was very close to her property line and was <br />concerned about the minimum distance requirements for businesses to be <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br /> <br />