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. MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> MINUTES <br /> September 14, 2006. <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 6:00 <br /> P.M. at the Mooresville Town Hall. <br /> Members present: Jon Swisher, Chairman, Don Barry and Mike Young. Absent were <br /> Alan Kramer and Charles McGuire. Town Attorney, Tim Currens, was present. <br /> Motion was made to approve the filed minutes by Don Barry, second by Mike Young. <br /> Motion carried 3-0. <br /> First on the agenda was David McPhee requesting a variance for lot size at 11840 N <br /> Bethel Road. Mr. Young asked is the issue was the depth to width ratio and Mr. <br /> McPhee said that was right. Mr. McPhee stated that he might want to build to home on <br /> this lot or one of his children might want to build there. The other lots along Bethel <br /> Road are even narrower that this one. After reading the facts-of-finding and there being <br /> no questions a motion to grant the variance for lot size at 11840 N Bethel Rd was made <br /> by Don Barry, second by Mike Young. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> Next on the agenda was Bill & Linda Roberson, 4430 E Allison Rd, requesting a variance <br /> for set backs on lot#5 from 25 ft. to 11 ft. from to fence and 20 ft. from the road. After <br /> reading the facts-of-finding a motion was made to approve the variance set back from 25 <br /> ft. to 11 ft. for lot#5 at 4430 E Allison Rd by Mike Young, second by Don Barry. <br /> Motion carried 3-0. <br /> Next was Ross Holloway, Holloway Engineering, representing Richard Jones, Mr. <br /> Holloway asked for a continuance until October 12, 2006. A motion to grant the <br /> continuance for Richard Jones, requesting a variance for set backs at Karen Dr. and <br /> Merriman Road was made by Mike Young, second by Don Barry. Motion carried 3-0. <br /> Next was Ross Holloway, Holloway Engineering, representing Eric Rogers, requesting a <br /> variance set backs for an internet service tower located just south of the intersection of <br /> Gasburg Road and Greencastle Road. The tower would furnish high speed internet for <br /> the surrounding area and the tower would be on the highest point on the eastern side of <br /> Anderson Orchard. The area will be surrounded by trees and the closest residence will <br /> be around 200 feet. The tower will be a free standing tower 190 feet in height, with no <br /> guy wires or anything else stretched out. Mr. Currens asked what the specific of <br /> reduction of the side set backs they were requesting and Mr. Holloway said he did not <br /> know the specific set backs,but the tower would be located approximately 150 feet west <br /> of the of the east property line and approximately 200 feet from the north and south <br /> property lines. After the reading of the facts-of-finding a motion was made by Don <br /> Barry, second by Mike Young, to grant the variance for set backs for the internet tower in <br /> the Anderson Orchard. Motion carried 3-0. <br />