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MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br />MINUTES <br />November 9, 2006 <br />The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, November 9, 2006 at 6:00 <br />p.m. at the Mooresville Government Center. <br />Members present were: Chairman, Jon Swisher, Don Barry, Charles McGuire and Mike <br />Young. Alan Kramer was absent. Town Attorney, Tim Currens, was present. <br />A motion to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2006 meeting was made by Don <br />Barry, second by Mike Young and carried 4 -0. <br />The first item on the agenda was Holloway Associates representing Richard Jones for a <br />variance for setbacks on Karen Drive, which was continued from the September meeting. <br />Ross Holloway explained to the Board that the legal notice was sent in to the newspaper <br />but did not get published. He requested a continuance to the December meeting. <br />A motion to grant the continuance was made by Mike Young, second by Don Barry and <br />carried 4 -0. A new legal notice will be published but no letters will be sent. <br />The next item on the agenda was Foley, Foley and Peden, representing Jerome Brewster <br />for a variance to operate a firearms retail store and shooting range at 340 S. Indiana Street <br />which is the former Dairy Queen building. Mark Peden stated that the zoning ordinance <br />does not specifically refer to a firearms store or shooting range. He stated that the <br />property is an ideal property for this use because it is a good distance from other <br />properties, there would not be much traffic, there is a lot of parking available, and due to <br />the condition of the building it would be unlikely that it would be used again as a food <br />establishment. Mr. Brewster has already began putting on a new roof and making <br />improvements to the property. The retail store would be on the right hand side of the <br />building if you are looking at it from the street and the range would be on the left. There <br />would be one to three lanes, with a length of 33 -36 feet. The purpose of the range would <br />be to give customers the proper training in firearms safety and responsibility with <br />firearms. Mr. Peden gave the board members a handout from the vendor who would be <br />installing the range. He stated that the range would be professionally installed. Due to <br />EPA regulations on lead, the range would be operated with frangible (non -lead) <br />ammunition which would have to be purchased from the store. The frangible <br />ammunition disintegrates upon impact with a target so penetration of the building would <br />not be an issue. Lisa Corbitt, who is a certified range safety officer and will be working <br />at the range, was present to answer questions from the board members. She is also first <br />aid and CPR certified in case there would be any injury at the range. She stated that you <br />could also use air rifles at the range so even younger kids could learn to use guns <br />properly. Mr. Peden stated that there are not many ranges in central Indiana and they are <br />