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Holloway Engineering on behalf of James and Julie Remster asking for a variance from <br />the development standards for a Advertising Sign setback reduction from 60 feet to 20 <br />feet. A size variance from 128 square feet to 360 square feet on each face of sign ( the <br />sign will have 3 faces) plus one side being 60 feet, Reduction of sign edge from 10 feet to <br />4 feet. Maximum frame size from 8x16 to 10 x 36 and height variance from 35 feet to 40 <br />feet. Mr. Holloway said that this land is no good for building and can be put to use for <br />signs. The sign will be a three sided, it will have Town Park information on it, and will <br />not contain have any advertising for alcohol, tobacco and no profane language. Motion to <br />approve the variances with the stipulations from the Park and the stipulations of <br />advertising, no alcohol, tobacco and no profane language by Charles McGuire seconded <br />by Mike Young the motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />Holloway Engineering on behalf of Frank Jackson asking for a variance from <br />development standards for two advertising signs. 1; setbacks from 60 feet to 7 feet and <br />2; size variance from 128 square feet to 544 square feet, 3; Setback from sign edge from <br />10 feet to 7 feet, 4; Max frame size increase from 8x16 to 14x48 and 5; height variance <br />from 35 feet to 40 feet. Mr. Holloway said that these new signs will clean up this area and <br />be much more attractive. A motion was made by Mike Young to approve these variances <br />and seconded by Charles McGuire, the motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />Ross Holloway came back before the board representing the Mooresville Chamanber of <br />Commerce asking for a development standards/ use variance to allow for a sign structure <br />(Welcome to Mooresville Sign) for size and offset from the Right -of -way. The sign will <br />be on the right -of -way of Old State Road 67 between New State Road 67 and the Indiana <br />southern Railroad and approximately 500 feet southwest of Pedigo Chevrolet. Mr. <br />Holloway said that INDOT would need to approve the sign. He also said the sign will be <br />Well off of Old State Road 67 and it well be a ground sign. A motion to approve the <br />variance of use was made by Mike Young, the second came from Alan Kramer, the <br />motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. A motion from to approve the variance from <br />development standards by Charles McGuire and seconded by Alan Kramer, the motion <br />carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />Ross Holloway on behalf of Fred and Margie Wyttenbach for a variance from <br />development standards for a reduction in the lot width to depth ratio. The property in <br />question is at Keys Road and Bunker Hill Road. There was a question from the audience <br />about the size of these lots, Mr. Holloway said that the smallest would be around 2 acres <br />and the larger ones 2.5 acres. The variance for lots 7,8,9and 10 will be 2.5 to 3.5 and lot <br />112.5 to 2.7 With on further remarks the Findings of Fact was read, a motion was to <br />approve this variance pending the approval of the Planning Commission, by Mike Young <br />the second by Charles Mcguire, the motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />With no further business the meeting was adjourned with the Planning Commission <br />Meeting would follow. <br />