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The next item before the board was Ross Holloway for a variance on side setbacks, <br />for Rick Jones, for his property on Karen Drive. Mr. Jones had built across his property <br />line several years ago, he has now purchased a strip of land from Mr. Merriman to make <br />the buildings on his property. The Variance would be from 10 to 0 on one corner and 2 to <br />3 feet on another corner A motion was made by Mike Young and seconded by Alan <br />Kramer to approve the set back variance the vote was 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />Sam and Julie Pugh seeking a variance for Setback to build duplexes at 205 East Harrison <br />and 117 South Madison streets. After showing pictures of what is on the properties at <br />this time and drawings of what he is proposing to build. Mr. McGuire asked if this <br />should not be a rezone. The Pughs said that, yes they did want to rezone also. Mr. <br />Curren said that they should do each address individually. The first was 205 East <br />Harrison street, They are asking for 10 feet off of each side with 20 feet off of Harrison. <br />Mr. Kramer asked about parking, they said that there would be 3 parking spaces for each <br />Unit. Mr. Swisher said that there was two letters in favor of this one being Mayfield <br />Insurance and the other being Newcomer Lumber. A motion to grant the variance with <br />the stipulation that the property is rezoned from R -1 to R -2 by the Planning Commission <br />The second came from Mr. McGuire, the motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. The 117 <br />South Madison was now discussed, being said that the 20 foot would be off of Broad <br />Alley and the 10 feet off all other sides. Mr. Kramer motioned to grant the set back <br />variance for 117 South Madison Street, with the stipulation that the rezone from R -1 to <br />R -2 by the Planning Commission, the second was from Mr. McGuire the vote was 4 -0 <br />with none opposed. <br />Rodric Bray came before the board representing Karen Bain, Dean Hicks, Lori Davis <br />Smith and Kevin Kirkpatarick requesting a variance from use to allow residential use on <br />property zoned to B -3. They also are requesting a variance from development standards <br />to permit two structures to be on one parcel. The property is located at 13965 North State <br />Road 67, Camby, Indiana. Mr. Bray explained that they also will be asking for a rezone <br />from residential to a B -3, from the Planning Commission following this meeting. Mr. <br />Bray said that since this such a mixed use area, they didn't feel that it would be a <br />problem. The residents that are now there now would stay there at this time. The old store <br />will be used as a real estate office. After the reading findings of fact for variance from <br />development standards a motion was made by Mike Young to accept the variance from <br />Development standards, Alan Kramer seconded the motion, the motion carried 4 -0 with <br />none opposed. After reading of findings of fact for variance of use, a motion came from <br />Mr. McGuire to approve the variance from of use contingent to a rezone being granted to <br />a B -3. the second came from Mr. Young the motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />The next request was Julie Lakes requesting a variance of use at 5 East Main for the top <br />floor to be used for residential purposes. Ms. Lakes said that there could be at least 4 <br />parking spaces in the rear. Ms. Lakes also said that the building is old and the upstairs <br />could only be useful as living area. After a few questions and the reading of the Findings <br />of Facts, a motion was made by Mr. McGuire to approve this variance the second came <br />from Mr. Young The motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />