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MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br />MINUTES <br />December 14, 2006 <br />The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met on Thursday, December 14, 2006 at 6:00 <br />P.M. at the Mooresville Town Center. <br />Members present: Jon Swisher, Chairman, Mike Young, Charles McGuire and Alan <br />Kramer. Town Attorney, Tim Curren, was present. <br />Motion was made to approve the minutes from the November 9, 2006 by Mike Young, <br />seconded by Charles McGuire, motion carried 3 -0 with none opposed. <br />The first thing on the agenda was the return of Mr. Floey for the Gun Store and Shooting <br />Range at 340 S. Indiana St. Pictures were shown of the property and how it has been <br />improved. Chairman Swisher ask about air handling his answer from Mr. Foley was that <br />it would be EPA regulated. It was also said that the sound suppression and containment <br />system would be professionally installed. Pictures were shown of indoor ranges in <br />Marion County. This range is in a strip with business on each side the other was also in a <br />commercial setting with a business on either side and have been able to co -exist for some <br />time. He said that this range would have at least 60 feet on either side. At this time he <br />talked about the safety and containment of the ammunition. Also they had a video of <br />sound and visual of a shotgun and a 22 pistol being shot with blanks inside and from the <br />outside, showing the sounds without any sound proofing it was hard to hear over the <br />street sounds. They also showed the safety of the bullets. Ralph Atwell a 4 -H Shooting <br />Sport Instructor and Hunter Education Instructor for the State for 18 years. He (Mr. <br />Atwell) said that when having meeting at Coyote Creek Shooting Range, with the room <br />being next to the shooting range and the noise was not enough to interrupt the class. Mr. <br />Atwell said that the indoor range is safer than an outdoor range. He feels that this is a <br />good idea because of not having many ranges in Indiana. Don Adams spoke to say that he <br />and his sister are in the process of turning there parents home at 35 E South Street into an <br />Art Center. He feels that it is not in the best interest and highest use of the proposed <br />property to have a shooting range is in this area. He asked that the board vote no. Braid <br />Justus ask if there is any data showing if this would bring down the property value. Mr. <br />Foley said that the property has already been improved. It was established to be zoned <br />commercial. Amy Nash from Cob Web and Roses was concerned about the noise <br />pollution. Chairman Swisher asked what would be done to stop the use of other amo <br />other than the frangible amo. His answer from Mr. Brewster was that guns would be <br />checked as well as their bags and magazines. His second question was were would the <br />amo would be switched out. After the reading of Finding Of Facts For Variance Of Use. <br />Charles McGuire motioned for a negative response to the shooting range, second from <br />Mike Young he motion carried 4 -0 with none opposed. <br />