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driveway the sign would be on and Margot stated it would be on the west side facing east <br />and west. Charles McGuire stated that he felt they should regulate the number of <br />employees and the size of the sign. He does not feel that they should have a lighted sign <br />in a residential neighborhood. Mr. Weisser stated that he felt that the sign needed to be <br />big enough for people to see it at night and driving by at 50 mph. Charles McGuire read <br />the requirements for setbacks from the State right -of -way for signage. Mike Young <br />explained to Mr. Weisser that the bigger the sign, the farther back from the road it had to <br />set. Tim Curren stated that if the State's right -of -way changes due to the construction on <br />42, the sign would have to be moved back. Mr. Detty stated that they were concerned <br />with the property value being affected. Mr. Weisser said that the house is currently <br />abandoned and that by them moving into it and fixing it up it would be better than it is <br />right now. He also stated that none of the other neighbors they had spoken to have any <br />objections to the beauty shop. <br />Jon Swisher read the Facts of Finding for approval of a variance. A motion to approve <br />the variance was made by Don Barry, with the following restrictions: <br />1. Business is for hair styling only, no other use. <br />2. Maximum number of stylists will be two. <br />3. Maximum hours of operation will be 9:00 a.m, to 7:00 p.m., Tuesday thru <br />Friday. <br />4. The sign will be no greater than 15 sq ft, with a minimum setback of 20 feet <br />from the highway right -of way, with any illumination of the sign being <br />restricted to the hours of operation and aimed only at the sign. <br />S. The variance will cease with termination of ownership of the property. <br />The motion was second by Mike Young and carried 3 -1. Charles McGuire opposed. <br />There being no further business to come before the board at this time, a motion to adjourn <br />the meeting was made by Mike Young, second by Don Barry. Motion carried 3 -0. <br />The next meeting of the Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals will be d on December <br />14, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at the Mooresville Government Center\ <br />ATTEST: <br />