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the easement they were talking about in the letter. Mr. Kramer stated the property in <br /> question was not included in the easement. <br /> Ken. Ball, 127 Sundown Manor, was concerned about the access road to the property and <br /> about the accidents this may incur. He said he was told that this area was green area for <br /> the subdivision. Mr. Holloway said that with all the research they have done this <br /> property has never been a right-of-way, a lot in Sundown Manor, it is shown on the plat <br /> of Sundown Manor,but was not given a lot number. <br /> Mr. Brock asked how they would get to the lot. Mr. Holloway said the town would have <br /> to tell them where to road would go. <br /> Mr. Barry suggested that since there was some question about the right-of-way and other <br /> documents that the board tables the petition for variance for setbacks until the March Stn <br /> meeting. <br /> Motion to table the petition for variance of setback for Bill Sodrel at Old State Road 67 <br /> and Eastwood Drive until March 9, 2006 was made by Don Barry, second by Alan <br /> Kramer. Motion carried 5-0. There will be no further notices sent. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board of Zoning Appeals a motion to <br /> adjourn was made by Don Barry, second by Mike Young. Motion carried. <br /> The next meeting of the Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals is March 9, 2006 at 6:00 <br /> P.M. at the Mooresville Town Hall. <br /> Chairman <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Secretary <br />