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MOO1LES~.rlLL~E BO;a2RD OF ZO?Cfi~'G <br /> <br /> Wednesday, November 15, 2000 <br /> <br />'[he Moores~.qA!e Board of Zo~fiag Appeals met on Wednesday, November 15,2000 for their <br />re~lar meetLng. Board members present were Alan Kramer, Donald Ban?' and Mike Yramg <br />~56t Jeff Jusms being absent. Also present was Thn Cnn'cas To~m att,:mey. <br /> <br />The meetng was called to onier by Chakxnan ~Man Krmner. Chahauan !s~'amer asked for <br />motion on the n~mtes for October 18, 2000. Donald Ban? reopened to approve the ndnutes <br />as naStten the second was from 5~:e Yomtg, modon to accept m~utes as n~tten passed <br /> <br />The Fn'st request before the board was Sign Variance by Bmmhtg Engh~ee~Sng for <br />Moores~4~e Par~ers. jeffBam~g presented to request was to replace the si~ a~ th~ <br />C~mer of Bdd~e Sa'eet and State Road 67. The si~ n~ be 373 square feet h* size, the <br />heist wo~d b~ 40 feet. 7he setbacks wo~d be 23 feet from Bridge Sa'eeL closer then the <br />re,fluted 60 feet, the si~t would also be S8 feet from State ~oad 67 width ~ 2 feet rinser <br />th~n 60 feet. There were no ques~ns from &e Board. Chares McQ~re of 577 Be~el Road <br />if they were replacing 8ae temporat? flint is fl~ere now. 5~h'. B~hg answered <br />was. Chaimmn ~'amer read fi~e Yh~dhtgs o[ Fact for a variance from devetvpmeut <br />standards. ~.5~ no od~er qaesfiom Chainnan $~mer asked for a motion on 8~e <br />vmiance, Pouald gm~' mofioued to ~'ant ~e ~adance ~5{}~ M~ke Yomtg offet~tg rite second, <br />motion caused 3-0 wi*h nm~e opposed. <br /> <br />The next ~tem of the agenda was Dax4d Huffam and Ryan Gddmeyer from C S 0 <br />representh~g Moores-dlle Parmers asklag fo.-,.' 5 variances on the Fields Crosshtg pr,~ject. The <br />vat,dace were as k~llows. <br /> 1: h~crease allowable btdld~g heigitt fre~m ate required 35 feet to 4~ feet 4 h~ches. <br /> 2: }J~crease allow~d~le s[guage per b~.d~g face from 400 square feet to 466 square t~et~ <br /> 5: tnrrease a~owable pylon si~ height karo ~5 feet to 15 feet <br /> 4: Decrease all,wable pykm si~ setback from 60 feet to 1~ feet along Bridge Sa'eet. <br /> 5: Decrease aHowabte pylon s~ set~ack fi'om 60 feet to ~ feet along State Rand 67. <br />It was e~lah~ea the vmiance for height was just far ~e Center or the eawance of the <br />g~aa~g. ~'~. Ban3' asked~ why &ey were asking for 5 feet on fi~e State Rand 67 when <br />WalGreens and ViSage Panty-were ~-an¢ed a l~-foo¢ variance, ~'. Gotdberg answered ~at <br />it was for ~ibffiU. 5~', Yo'~g asked if ~e si~ts had k~temal !igh~g, ~'. Haffam' s <br />answer was yes, ~at &ey wo~d be. ~h', Ban5' asked ~.~. Bam~ if the set backs were <br />karo fl~e pre'posed ~provements along Bridge Sa'eet, 5k. Bam&~g said that yes fitat fids <br /> <br /> <br />