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was the case. Chairman l~-araer asks for a~v question karo the floor, Lan9..' Tooley asked <br />where the sign would be on State Roan 6% At t~fs 0me 5~a'. Tootey was shown the plans <br />showing where the dgns were located. X£". Tooley asked if the si~t on Bridge Street would <br />be tun,ed off at stare closing. ,Mso disc~rssed the ~.~z.e of the s~gn on Bridge Street and <br />&e hghfiag. W~th no other questions Chub'man Kramer read the considerations for a <br />Variance from Developmenta! Standards. ALe. Ban}~ motioned to approve the varkauce <br />increasing the height of the front of the Lowe's store, Mr. Young seconded the motion, <br />The motion passed 3-0 ~4th none opposed. A motion to approve the increased signage for per <br />building face fram 400 square to 466 square feet was made by Mr. Young, seconded by 5~fi'. <br />Ban?~. Motion canied 3-0 ~4th none opposed= A moaon was made by 5~'. Ba~ for ~e 6~rd <br />variance karo he~gh~ karo 55 feet to ~S feet 9 ~ches along State Road 67, the second came <br />karo ~c. Y~m~g. Mo~on can4ea 5-0 ~4& none opPosea~ After reading of Cansiderafians of a <br />variance a maton was made by to approve Item n~aber 4, setback fram 60 feet to 15 feet <br />ak, ag Bridge S~eet for fl~e pytaa si~ also the sigm is not to be ~atea after store hours. <br />The height ~ nat be more ~an 25 feet~ by Mr. Yom~g, ~e second was offered by M r. <br />Ban3', Motion ca~fied. A motion ~o approve item n~ber 5, setback karo 60 feet to 5 feet <br />along State Road 67 was made by Mr. Ba~', seconded by ~.~. Ban}'. Motion ca~ed 3-0 <br />;~th none opposed. <br /> <br />Ma'. and 5~'s. Robert Patterson and Melinda O'Dell came before the board requesting <br />a variance karo use to operate a law office in the home at 124 South Indiana <br />5~'s. O'Del] explained that the sale of the home is contention of the ,,'mimtce being passed~ <br />~a's. O'Den also explained that she and her h , wish for her to be able raise their family <br />and be able to be home with them. ~;qth quesfons from the board or the Roar Chairman <br />I, fi'amer read the concerns from Developmental standards, a motion to ~ant the variance <br />~,,as made by 5~'. Bmxy and secanded by Mr. Yom~g. Moron passed 3-0 with none opposed. <br />The second variance was for a si__~n setback from the reqoh'ed 20 feet to 10 feet, the <br />will be where the Rag pole is at fids time. The si_~_ ;~ill be~ 6x8 feet in size and it may or may <br />not be illm~finated, with the e~sfing street light, after the readh~g concerns from <br />developmental standards. A motion to apprave the sign variance was offered by Mr. Yomtg <br />aaa seconded by 5~h'. Barry, motian passed 5-0 with none opposed. <br /> <br />With no other business before the board at this time a motion to adjmm~ was made by <br />Yom, g and second by ,~Aa-. Ban?, motiou passed 3-0 ~4th none opposed~ <br /> <br />The next meeting of the Moares~41te Board of Zo~dng appeals ~411 by December 20, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br />