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regarding the current zoning and was advised that the property had <br />been residential and later rezoned Local Business after Dr. Alarcon <br />purchased the property. <br /> <br /> Chairman Oschman then opened up the meeting to the floor. Brian <br />Benedict, the adjoining property owner north of Dr. Alarcon advised <br />that he lived in a house adjoining this property. He stated that <br />his property is zoned Industrial, however, his residential use was <br />a pre-existing one. Mr. Benedict advised that the current tenants <br />have six children which present problems for him, including damage <br />to his fence. He also complained of the junked vehicles, old semi <br /> <br />and mobile home and boat. <br />was fixed up it could be <br /> <br /> Arvin M. Hopkins, the <br /> <br /> It was his position that if the property <br />rented for business use. <br />property owner immediately west and south <br /> <br />of this property then spoke. He stated that most of the area is <br /> <br />zoned Local Business and Industrial. He felt that the children <br /> <br />presented a problem and interference to his business use and for <br />this reason he was against the granting of the variance. He stated <br />that this area should remain Local Business and should be used <br />accordingly. It was Mr. Hopkin's position that this proposed <br />residential use would interfe~with the use of his property. <br /> <br /> Dr. Alarcon rebutted the allegations of the remonstrators stating <br />that there are other children in the area and that the trailers <br />referred to are for sale and the vehicles referred to do run and are <br />for sale. At this point Chairman Oschman advised that t~e only issue <br />is whether or not the variance for Residential use should be <br />granted and not the outside storage or other conditions referred to. <br />The board then proceeded to findings of fact. The board found that <br />the approval of the variance would not be injurious to the public <br />health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community due to <br /> <br /> --2-- <br /> <br /> <br />