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MINUTES OF THE MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> <br />The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals met at its regular <br />meeting place at the Mooresville Town Hall the 16th day of December, <br />1987. Present were board members Steve Oschman, Tilford Bailey, <br />Warren Franklin and Wendell Thaler. The board's attorney, Timothy <br />C. Currens was also present. The meeting was called to order by <br />Chairman Oschman who determined there was a quorum present and <br />proceeded to the approval of the minutes and findings of fact of <br />the prior meeting. <br /> <br /> The first item on the agenda was the petition filed Dr. Arcadio <br /> Alarcon and Mrs. Remedios Alarcon. This concerned the real property <br /> located at 432 North Monroe Street, Mooresville, Indiana, in <br /> particular a request to allow a residential use on the one story <br /> dwelling located on the property which is currently zoned Local <br /> Business. Dr. Alarcon appeared in person and introduced himself <br /> and his background to the board. He advised that the building in <br /> question was a 50 x 20 foot frame story building bordered by <br /> <br /> Mr. Benedict on the north and Mr. Hopkins on the south. He advised <br /> that his medical practice was located in the front part of this real <br /> property and that the house was approximately in the center of said <br /> three and one half (3½) acre tract. He advised that the structure <br /> was built as a residence and that it would be a hardship to have to <br /> tear it down. Currently he stated that he was not able to rent it~ <br /> as a business use and had tenants in the property. He advised that <br /> during his ownership of said property, the property was temporarily <br /> used as his clinic. He also advised that he'd had problems with <br /> break-ins on the property and that since having the tenants in said <br /> property this has not occurred. Chairman Oschman asked a question <br /> <br /> <br />