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FINDINGS OF FACT <br /> <br />Allen Tutewiler & Karen Overpeck & Mooresville Chamber of Commerce <br />Property located off of State Road 67 and Indianapolis Road <br /> <br /> This matter came before the Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals on <br />Wednesday, March 18, 1987 at the regularly scheduled meeting date and time. <br />The petition requested a variance from the development standards for a sign <br />less than 1,000 feet from any other advertising structure and a reduction <br />of the set-back standard of 60 feet to a lesser amount. <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals, having heard evidence on the <br />above captioned petition now makes the following findings of fact pursuant to <br />Indiana Code 3-7-4-918.5: <br /> <br /> 1. That the approval would not be injurious to the public health, <br />safety, morals or general welfare of the community due to the location of the <br />sign and a prior sign being in this same place. <br /> <br /> 2. That the use and value of the area adjacent to the property <br />included in the variance would not be affected in a substantially adverse <br />manner due to the sign and the fact that there are similiar uses in the area, <br />one of which in the past had been a Chamber of Commerce sign. <br /> <br /> 3. That the strict application of the terms of the zoning ordinance <br />would result in practical difficulties in the use of the property due to the <br />location of Old State Road 67 and State Road 67, creating a delta-shaped area <br />and limiting the use of this property for most uses. <br /> <br />Warr~en'Fr~n-k%~i~, Secretary -' ' <br /> <br />Ste~e Oschman, Chairman <br /> <br /> <br />