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MINUTES OF THE MOORESVILLE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br /> <br /> The Mooresvi]le Board of Zoning Appeals met at its regularly scheduled <br />meeting on Wednesday, the 17th day of September, 1986, at the Mooresville Town <br />Hall. Present were Board Members Steve Oschman, Tilford Bailey, Donald Barry <br />and Warren Franklin. The Board's Attorney, Timothy C. Currens, was also present. <br />The meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Oschman who determined there <br />was a quorum present. The Board then proceeded to approve the minutes of the <br />prior meeting and the findings of fact. The ne~t item on the Board's agenda <br />was the petition filed by Labsonics, Inc. for s variance from the current zoning <br />use. Present for Labsonics, Inc. was attorney David Gray. The Board's Attorney <br />found that the notices were in order. Mr. Gray proceeded to show the Board <br />a sketch of the property in question, which is owned by Delvi~ Williams, and what <br />portion of the property they would purchase and use for a paved parking lot. <br />Mrs. Mazola Downing was present and had a question on where the cars would enter <br />the lot. <br /> <br /> The Board then asked Jf there were apy additional remonstrators present <br />or any persons having questions regarding the request. There being none the <br /> <br />Board proceeded to a discussion of tbis variance. The Board found that the approval <br />would not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, or general welfare of <br />the community due to the existing uses in this area which are compatible. <br /> <br />(2) That the use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the <br />variance would not be substantially affected in an adverse manner due to the <br />industrial uses in this proximity and other parking areas. (3) That the need from <br />the variance arose from the location of this property bordering on industrial <br />and residential uses with the division of the property being compatible only for <br />this type of use, being a portion of a residential property yet bordering the <br />industrial area. (4) That the strict application of the terms of the zoning <br />ordinance would constitute an unnecessary hardship if applied to this property <br />in that rezoning of the same would be detrimental to the residential uses <br /> <br /> <br />