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-4- <br /> <br />peculiar to the property involved and does not exist in s~mi]ar properties in <br />the same district. With regards to this requirement, Steve Oschman indicated <br />that property surrounding this particular parcel was being used for various <br />types of business purposes and he felt that this circumstance created a <br />particular condition to the land in question. The Board agreed. (4) The <br />strict application of the terms of the ordinance would continue the unusual <br />and unnecessary hardship as applied to the property for which the variance <br />is sought. <br /> <br /> The Board further noted and agreed that this variance would not <br />interfere sL~stantial]y with the comprehensive plan and further noted that <br />no remonstrators were present. <br /> <br /> Tilford Bailey moved to approve the petition for a variance to allow <br />for the operation of day care center with the following two conditions: <br />(1) that the fences required by the ordinance be completed within 30 days <br />and thmt any sign to be placed on the mailbox would not exceed the dimensions <br />of 1½ feet by 6 inches. He further indicated that given the nature of the <br />business that the Board should waive the off street parking requirements of <br />6 spaces and reduce the same to 2. The motion was seconded by Don Barry and <br />was unanimously carried. <br /> <br /> There being no further business to coma before the Board, the meeting <br />was adjourned by motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried. <br /> <br /> $(eve Oschman, Chairman <br /> <br />Warren Franklin ~ ~e~reta~y <br /> <br /> <br />