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FINDINGS OF FACT <br />Re: Day Care Center at 310 S. Clay Street <br /> <br /> This matter cmme before the Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals <br /> <br />on Wednesday, July 16, 1986 at the regularly schednled meeting date and time. <br />Petition requested a variance to mllow for the operatimn of a dmy c~re center <br />st 310 S. Clmy Street in Mooresville which area is presently zoned "A" - <br />Residential. <br /> <br /> The Mooresville Board of Zoning Appeals, having heard evidence on <br /> <br />the above captioned petition now makes the following findings of fact pursuant <br />to Indiana Code 36-7-4-918.5: <br /> <br /> 1. That the approval would not be injurio,s to the public hemlth, <br />smfety, morals and §enera] we]fare of the connnuoity in that the surrounding <br />streets are not heavily traveled and there would be a fence around the property <br />to keep the children in the yard. <br /> <br /> 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included <br />in the variance will not be adversely affected in that the structure was <br />to remmin m residence and also there were rentals and other types of businesses <br />in the area and the existence of these other businesses in this area already <br />shows a changing use. <br /> <br /> 3. The need for the variance arises from some condition peculiar <br /> <br />to the property involved and does not exist in similar properties in the <br />same district in that this residential property is surrounded by other types <br />of business ~ses thereby creating a particular condition concerning the use <br />of the petitioned property~ <br /> <br /> 4. The strict spplication of the terms of the ordinance will continue <br />the unusual and unnecessary hardship as applied to the property for which the <br />variance is sought given the fact that the uses of the property surrounding <br /> <br /> <br />