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-4- <br /> <br />the variance were asked to stand they numbered 13. Edwin Davis then spoke, <br />he resides at 59 W. Washington Street, he stated that he owned property near <br />the proposed variance site at 143 West High Street and was against this location <br />of a mobile home placement. He also had some questions regarding the sewer lines <br />and Warren Franklin stated that he felt the sewer lines would not be a problem <br />as they would hook up off of the alley, not on someone else's line. Mrs. <br />Swinney, of 135½ W. High Street, then spoke and stated she was against this and <br />her granddaugher, Brenda McWhorter, 142 W. South Street, also stated that she <br />was against this and that Mrs. Swinney stated the 3 mobile homes on the property <br />only lasted for a period of one year. Marion Johnson of 150 W. High Street <br />stated that he felt this would hurt property values. Murtle Keller, of 157 <br />W. High Street, stated that she felt this was a traffic hazard and was not in <br />favor of it. At this time the Board Chairman requested that the petitioners <br />bring a plot plan of the location, drawn to scale, one week prior to the next <br />meeting in order that bhe Board could review the exact location and requested <br />that all parties not receiving certified letters as required by ordinance that <br />were not present should be notified and that the legal advertisement should <br />run for the March 10, 1986 meeting at 7:00 p.m. Ail parties present were given <br />notice. <br /> <br /> The next item to come before the Board was the petition of Harlin and <br />Ruth Sterrett, 1021 State Road 144, to place a sign in their yard advertising <br />their business of Bruce's C.B.'s. Mr. & Mrs. Sterrett were present with counsel, <br />Ros Stovall. Notices were found to be in order and the parties proceeded with <br />their presentation. Attorney Ros Stovall first requested that Wendell Thaler <br />remove himself from discussion on this matter since his wife was a business <br />partner with Mrs. Hamm, one of the adjoining property owners, stating that this <br />was a conflict of interest. The Board's Attorney asked Mr. Thaler if he had <br />any financial interest in the zoned property or area near the zoned property <br />or any other interest or relationship which would keep him from viewing this <br /> <br /> <br />